Growing - Masamune

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She noticed she was getting tried quickly lately. She'd only been working for about an hour and she was already begging for a nap.

She passed it off as maybe she was working herself to hard with all these sewing commissions.

A week later

"She's been eating a lot lately" Masamune recalled, muttering to himself as he watched his soulmate dig into the meal he prepared.

She dropped her fork on the plate and covered her mouth

"Kitten?" Masamune stared at her bewildered.

She ran to a wash basin and violently threw up.

He held her hair out of her face and rubbed soothing circles on her back as that was all he could do to help her.

He knew there was no way he would ever leave anything uncooked, so it couldn't be food poisoning.

After he was sure she was finished he guided her to their futon and gently sat her down on the corner. He sent one of his vassals to get Leyasu, while he put a cool hand against her forehead, gauging her temperature.

His cool palm felt nice against her burning skin.

"It's high, do you know what this could be Kitten?" Masamune asked looking into her eyes.

"I...I t..think I...I.....Its" Y/N didn't have time to finish the question because Leyasu walked in.

Leyasu arrived and shooed Masamune out of the room. He got down to her level and took her temperature, Using an old device.

"What other symptoms have you been experienced apart from the vomiting". He asked eying her.

He was acting like he didn't want to be here to deal with her but deep down you could see he was truly concerned.

"I've been e....eating a lot and I'm constantly t...tired" she stuttered. Her voice quivered. "I think I know what this I...Is" she revealed.

"Yes, you're right" Leyasu answered already knowing what she thought it was. "Congratulations your pregnant". Leyasu mumbled evenly. He didn't know how she would take the news so he didn't show his emotions at what was going on in her body.

She must have heard him wrong. She thought it was a possibility but still she couldn't believe that she actually was so she double checked.


"I said you're pregnant"

She needs to talk to Masamune about this now so he quietly gathered up his things and left the manor.

Masamune returned after he had heard that Leyasu had finished with his examination.

He bumped into Leyasu when he was leaving and he told him he would have to ask Y/N what was wrong.

"Y/N?" he opened the screen door and immediately saw her looking down at the floor.

He slammed the door shut, bashing it on the side and causing It to rebound off the wall and still be open a crack.

He ran to her side, she sniffed.

Was she crying?

he cradled her face in his large hands wiping away the tears with the pad of his thumbs to no avail as fresh tears kept spilling out of her E/C eyes.

Sobs ripped from her person.

"Shhhh, Kitten? Kitten what's wrong?" Masamune asked, face going numb from the worry

"I...I....I'm so sorry Masa...Masamune" another rain of tears streamed down her face, Masamune's fingers couldn't keep up.

"Why are you apologising?" he queried brow furrowing in confusion.

She took a deep breath, steadying herself. She thought what to say and decided. "I'm pregnant" she whispered.

Masamune just about heard what she had to say.

They were silent for a few minutes. Masamune was processing the information.

This was the best news ever to him, but he couldn't figure why she wasn't excited and why she felt the need to apologise to him.

"That's great" he exclaimed with a grin; he watched her face go from tear-streaked apologetic to shocked.

"It Is!?!" she breathed and looked at his face. Surprise etched over every part of hers. "You're not mad at me?" now she was confused.

"Of course not, this is the best news I could ever hope for" he suddenly pulled her into his arms. Careful of her abdomen.

He lifted her off the futon and stood up. Supporting her weight, so she doesn't get tired.

"Thank you, Y/N," Masamune nuzzled his nose into her neck then he trailed his nose up her throat and reached her mouth. Kissing sweetly.

They both cried with happiness and couldn't wait to welcome their own flesh and blood into the world with loving arms.

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