Father To Be - Mitsuhide

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It was nearing the end of Y/n's pregnancy and the little bundle of joy was due to arrive sometime during the coming weeks. Y/n was brushing her hair and set the brush down for a second to do something else but when she turned back to where she left the brush, she quickly realized it wasn't there.

Her sneaking kitsune of a husband who she didn't even know had gotten back from work, now had her brush in his hand and was sporting a smug smile. He began to gently run the brush down the length of her hair.

"Mitsuhide, I'm still capable of brushing my own hair you know". Y/n stated while wearing an irritated pout.

"Oh, I know. It's just, I brush your hair ten times better than you do". Mitsuhide answer back with a joyous expression while he continued to brush through his beloveds' tresses.

Y/n huffed but couldn't keep a smile off her own face at how sweet and loving her husband was. However, a sharp hiss escaped her lips and as she looked down at her enlarged stomach, Mitsuhide's eyes were locked on her face.

She looked at him and quickly tried to assuage his worried. "I'm fine, he's been a little more active lately". Mitsuhide leaned down and kissed the top of his wife's head for she truly was the strongest woman ever.

He put down the brush and reached around her form to place his hand upon her stomach, moving his hand in a circular motion to comfort his wife and unborn child.

"I'll never be able to thank you enough for carrying our child. My little mouse is so brave and strong" his tone portrayed how sincere he was. He dipped down and nestled his head against her neck, placing countless sweet kisses up the side.

Y/n smiled and reached up to lightly stroke his hair. In her eyes it truly was an honour and the world's greatest pleasure to bear a child with Mitsuhide, made even better by their mutual love of each other.

"Looking back on my childhood, I never could have imagined that I would have come from what was like hell itself to loving you and to starting my own family with you". It was rare for Mitsuhide to be so sentimental but lately he had started to be.

Tears started to form in Y/n's eyes at Mitsuhide's words and he gently turned her around and wiped them away with his thumbs before slowly leading her to their shared futon and tucking her securely into his side.

"Sleep well, my love. I love you" Mitsuhide whispered into her ear and placed a kiss against her forehead.

Being pregnant made Y/n sleep a lot and she was already almost asleep. "I love you too" she mumbled back and quickly fell into a dreamless sleep, always to be safe in the arms of her biggest love.

A week later and Y/n was taking a short stroll around the garden in the setting sun. Everything was great until she stumbled on a rock and would have fell to the ground if it wasn't for the strong and warm arms that caught her.

"I thought I told you not to go out by yourself, at least not without me" he lightly and gently scolded her but only because he cared so much.

They walked together now as the orange and red hues were shining in their hair. Mitsuhide had a hand around her waist just in case. Y/n was even more swollen now than she was a week ago and all the preparations were in place for the birth of the little lord or lady.

"Sorry Mitsuhide. The sun was about to vanish and I couldn't wait anymore". She snuggled closer to his chest to gain forgiveness and he kissed the top of her head to show that everything was forgotten and forgiven.

Only a few days later and Mitsuhide was rushing out of war council when one of his vassals came to inform him that Y/n was about to give birth. All the warlords could hardly sit still in worry and excitement.

As Mitsuhide got closer and closer to the room that had now become the birthing place of their child, he got more and more worried. So worried in fact that he didn't care that it was showing on his face.

When he reached the door, he heard her let out a blood curdling scream that set him into a panic and made his blood freeze. He threw upon the door and it rattled violently against the frame and a small fissure travelled down the wood.

"Little mouse!" he rushed in and right to her side. Her face was flushed and covered in sweat. He swept the damp locks of her hair off of her face and held onto her hand tightly. "It's okay, I'm here, I'm here" he chanted and kissed Y/n's forehead.

"Mit...." Y/n managed to breathe out while looking into his eyes before another painful shudder ran through her body and she screamed in pain again.

Mitsuhide was praying so hard hoping that there was nothing wrong with the both of them because she seemed in so much pain. The midwives were hard at work and it was now time for Y/n to start pushing.

Y/n squeezed Mitsuhide's hand so tight but he didn't care, he just wanted her and their child to be safe. Some time passed and Y/n sank down into the covers as all the life seemed to drain right out of her. A shrill cry of a newborn could now be heard.

Mitsuhide was scanning his beautiful wife first to make sure she was fine. She smiled weakly at him before one of the midwives came over and placed the small baby in her arms.

Mitsuhide was taken aback when he looked at his child's peaceful face. Pale brown tuffs of hair and sparkling eyes that were almost his exact shade. This was their child; their love had created this and he was completely in love with the baby in her arms. He finally had a family.

"Thank you Y/n, you did so well" he spoke softly into her ear as he watched their baby's face scrunch up momentarily and then stick out it's tongue.

Y/n brushed her fingers delicately across the baby's cheek and then looked up at Mitsuhide with a wide, relieved and affectionate smile. "She's beautiful, our daughter".

He nodded and leaned down to kiss her forehead again, he was so happy and so proud of his strong wife. "Mitsuhide, do you want to hold her?" his little one asked and he said yes, she placed their daughter in his arms.

Looking down at his daughter, he never thought he could ever feel so moved. He lightly stroked one of his fingers down her tiny hand and she curled her small fingers around it slightly. Mitsuhide smiled down at her, tears in his eyes and said

"Welcome to the world my princess". 


In honour of my third anniversary of starting this book, I'm finally releasing this story that's been sitting completed in my documents since January but I kept forgetting about it. I've been gone from Wattpad for awhile and it's because I've been focusing on my grades so I can get into a good course at University. The year is almost over and final exams are starting now, I wish everyone good luck. I hope you enjoy this story, thanks for reading and stay safe!

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