(TW)When You Flinch During An Argument - Hideyoshi

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Trigger Warning: Please don't read If this will trigger you or If you will get triggered by large groups of men

I thought I'd bring back this I really enjoyed writing these back in June/July time. I hope you enjoy.


You woke up to a bright light coming in through the window and an empty feeling beside you where your lover Hideyoshi was suppose to be, but obviously he wasn't again. 

You haven't had a proper conversation with him in over a week as he was always gone before you wake up and you would always fall asleep waiting for him. Not to mention the fact every time you bumped into him during your day to day activities he would end the conversations short saying stuff like I need to get back to work and so do you. You understood that he has a lot on his plate with Nobunaga away on that inspection but he could still make time to show that he cares about you right? He's probably forgot that you even exist and that your his Girlfriend.

Well you weren't about to let this go on any longer so you came up with a plan, you were definitely going to stay up tonight and not go to sleep until he got back and then you were going to confront him about this and he wasn't going to be able to invade this.


You had your plan set in motion. You'd say it was roughly about 12 at night. You'd took up pacing around the room to keep you awake but all the walking in circles was just making you dizzy and tired so you started sketching new designs in your book. 

Roughly about 30 minutes had gone past by the time you were pulled out of your thoughts by the sound of shoes being hastily took off outside the door and you knew it was him so you placed your sketchbook down on the desk and stood up to face the door.

The door was threw open rather roughly this wasn't something you'd ever think you'd catch Hideyoshi doing he was normally one to follow every rule and never act improper.

He jumped back a little when he saw you standing there and his eyes widened slightly. 

"What are you doing still awake?" He asked very coldly and didn't even look at you longer than 2 seconds before he went to the other side of the room and started taking of his Hakama layer by layer.

Well at least he still remembers you exist right is what your were thinking.

You ignored his question partly because you weren't going to answer now he used that tone with you. 

"Hideyoshi, why have you been ignoring me?" You demanded and he stopped undressing but didn't even look at you still.

"Not now Y/n, Can't you see I'm tired I can't put up with your attitude tonight" He answered back pinching the bridge of his nose and went back to taking off his clothes.

You scoffed you couldn't believe he was being like this and after he was the one who basically pretended you didn't exist this past week.

"Wow, you technically ignore me for days and think you can be like this. Don't you think I'm tired for constantly attempting to stay up way past midnight for you to get back so we can spend some time together" You raised your voice a little to get your point across as you approached him.

"MAYBE THIS IS WHY I IGNORE YOU BECAUSE YOUR LIKE THIS, I NEVER ASKED YOU TO WAIT UP FOR ME!" Hideyoshi shouted angrily you'd never heard him shout like that before expect when he was demanding Mitsuhide to tell him if he was planning on betraying Nobunaga.

You stumbled backwards and decided to put some distance between you both considering the fact his sword was still attached to his hip not that you thought he would use it against you but you knew people could do terrible things in anger.

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