"What Did I Do To Deserve You?" - Kenshin

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The sword came down to my side, as the world began to blacken. I could here a voice fading in the distance. 


1 Day & A Half

My eyes struggled to open. The dim light in the room was comforting as the darkest from the side of my vision was subsiding. I awoke on a soft futon it was the futon Kenshin and I shared in his room.

I felt something cold press against my cheek. I gasped.

"Y/n!, your awake" it was Kenshin's voice. I could hear it clearly despite the buzzing in my ears and it seemed to be coming from close by. He had his large hand pressed against my left cheek, gliding over my skin with his thumb.

"K...Ken...shi..n" I mumbled out focusing my mind to Kenshin's voice as I looked around. It didn't take long as he was right in front of me. Brows knitted together in worry and pain. His eyes were glistening with unshed tears. "What's wrong?" I lifted my arm attempting to caress his face when a sharp shoot of pain shot up my side, causing my arm to fall back against the quilt.

My face scrunched up in agony. "AHHHH!!" my breathing turning into panting as the pain got worse.

(Kenshin nearly had a Heart Attack)

"Y/n?, Y/n!, shhhhhh" he moved closer and soothed my face. "It's okay, It's okay, I'm right here" he smoothed my hair out of my face and continued to stroke my cheek. 

My breathing steadied and calmed down from his touch.

I could feel something stiff wrapped around me, I gently moved the covers and stared down at the bandage wrapped around my side, blood seeping through the white cloth. My Blood. cautiously I ran my fingers over it.

I looked up and met eyes with Kenshin. "W...what happened to me?" I choked out

"Don't you remember?" he moved my hands away from the bandage and clasped them within his own. "A bandit came out of no where and cut you. I was coming to find you to take you back to Kasuguyama Castle after hearing that they were in the area when it happened I'm sorry I couldn't stop him from hurting you, i'm sorry I wasn't fast enough, i'm sorry i didn't get there in time, I'm Sor-". Kenshin said sorrowful as he looking deep into my eyes with clear guilt.

"No, don't say anymore".  I put my finger to Kenshin's lips to stop him from speaking, i couldn't hear it anymore. "Stop beating yourself up for something you had no control over. I don't blame you for anything".

I slipped my hand to the back of his neck and pulled him towards me. Our lips met. I hope this kiss can communicate what I feel and that it's not his fault. Its mine because i'm so weak and can't protect myself. I'm a burden to him. 

He hesitated for a moment and then sighed plunging himself right into the kiss. I felt a small smile tug up at the corner of his lips against my own. We were now both smiling into the kiss and laughing.

It was hard to pull away but I was starting to lose my breath and Kenshin noticed so he moved my hand from around his neck and placed it gently on the cover of the futon.

He brushed my hair with the palm of his hand and tucked me back under the covers lovingly.

"Sleep now, You still need to rest" Kenshin said affectionately full of love. "I'll be here by your side if you need anything" he announced and settled back down on the closet tatami mat close to Y/n.

Kenshin watched as Y/n drifted off into a peaceful sleep, hoping he would appear in her dreams.

"What did I do to deserve you?" Kenshin whispered leaning down and placing a chaste kiss on Y/n's forehead. "Sleep well Y/n"

While Y/n slept Kenshin asked for his work to be brought to their room so he didn't have to leave Y/n's side and not be able to comfort her and watch over her and be here when she woke up again.

14 Hours Later

Kenshin was working on signing papers and reading documents when he heard a shuffle coming from where Y/n was lying. 

He put the contents he was holding down on the desk and strode over to Y/n's side.

She was restless. Tossing and turning sideways and then back. She was quietly whimpering and it broke Kenshin's heart to say his love in so much pain.

He lifted up the edge and slipped in the futon with Y/n. He pulled the covers around him to keep in the heat and edged a bit closer to Y/n. He gently draped his arm over her side, more carefully than he'd done anything ever in his life.

She stopped making pained sounds and relaxed under his touch. He was amazed to see that his touch had seemingly took away all her pain.

She let out a sigh of contentment and slept peacefully for the rest of the night. Kenshin also finding solace and fell asleep next to Y/n. 

Y/n dreamed a loving arm of protection was keeping her safe and kept the pain from searing down the line of the slash.

5 Days Later 

Y/n was on her feet and moving around but was not allowed to do anything overly straining a rule set by Kenshin himself. 

Kenshin had taken it upon himself to wait for Y/n after work everyday so he could escort her to their chambers.

I walked out of the seamstresses work quarters and was not surprised when I saw Kenshin standing just outside the door.

"Hi" I said happily knowing how kind he was that he wanted to protect me and walk with me.

He offered me his hand. I was delighted as I laced my fingers in his. 

"How are you feeling?" he asked as he looked at our joined hands and smiled rubbing circles on the back of my hand with his thumb.

"I'm absolutely fine" I told him smiling

I started to swing my arm back and forth, the one connecting our hands. 

"Ouch" I said loudly and stopped swinging my arms after a burst of mild pain.

"Uh-huh, no pain at all" Kenshin looked down at me and smiled but then his face was lined in worry.

"Okay I lied, i'm still in some pain when I lift my arm too much or turn or lean on my side" I sighed and looked down after admitting the truth.

"Don't ever hide your pain again, Y/n". Kenshin ordered "I hope your wound doesn't re-open". He said honestly and I could tell he was concerned.

"I Won't" I obeyed, I don't want him to have to worry about me though.

"Let's head back and I'll take a look at the wound and apply some more salve" He told me and I thought to myself 'What did I do to deserve you?'.

We continued to walk to our room.

"Okay" I smiled and thought about how lucky I was to have met him.

Author's Note

I really like this one in my opinion I think it's the best one I have wrote. 

If anyone has any requests feel free to make them and I will try to fulfil them.

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