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The day after Bruce was sentenced to imprisonment with Loki, the Avengers begged Odin to release their friend. The Allfather refused their pleas saying that it was a fitting punishment for his actions. But, after much dispute, he did allow them to be able to visit Bruce on the condition that none of them physically go inside the cell.

That afternoon, the avengers make their way down to the dungeons to visit Bruce. What they didn't expect, however, was for Loki and Bruce to be sleeping when they got there.

Thor sighs and goes to ask one of the guards to wake them up. The group is ushered out for a few minutes while Bruce and Loki awaken.

(Loki's POV)


I feel a burning slash go across my back. I scream in agony as I slump against the wall I was chained to.


The whip cracks once again against my bare back. I scream again. I scream for Thor. I scream for Frigga. I even scream for Odin. Anyone to come and save me, but no one ever comes.

"" I rasp, my voice hoarse from screaming.

I felt my hands being unchained and I am dragged to the throne room. The Mad Titan looks at me with a smile on his face.

"Do you concede? Will you help us with our plans?"

"Never," I spit, blood trickling down my lips.

"Wrong choice little one."

I feel hands grabbing onto my shoulders. I punch the chitauri behind me, my fist connecting with its face, making it sail across the room. I try to scramble away, only to feel many hands push me back onto the bed. Wait.... A bed? I look at the chitauri I punched, only to see that it is not a chitauri. It is an einherjar.


I feel handcuffs being put on me. No. No no no! Not again! I start panicking, my breath quickens and I start struggling even more. They don't stop. Why won't they stop!? In my mind, I keep begging them to cease. I didn't even realise that I was saying these thoughts out loud until one of the guard's hands clamps over my mouth.

"Stop! Can't you see that you are hurting him?!" Bruce yells at them from across the room. They all immediately stop and look at my panicked face. They release me and uncuff my hands. I start shaking and picking at my palms and fingertips to try and relieve some of the stress as I slowly sit up. I am still breathing heavily when they whisper an apology to Bruce, then leave. I feel a dull pain on my hands. I look at my hands and see that my scratching has broken the skin.

Bruce rushes over to me and looks down at my bloody hands. He grabs his med beg and reaches out to grab my hand. As soon as he makes contact with me, I scream," Don't touch me!"

He flinches back and looks at me sadly as he, slowly this time, reaches out to bandage my hands. I can't suppress a flinch, but I let him continue.

"I'm sorry," I whisper shakily.

"No," he says firmly, yet gently. "Don't do this to yourself, it wasn't your fault."

"I just... I can't stop them..."

"I know. It's something out of your control," he says as he finishes bandaging my hands.

"They won't stop... I just...what can I... Why me?"

Bruce wraps his arms around my shaking figure. I can't stop the tears escaping my eyes, as I wrap my arms around him.

"Shhhh... It's okay. I'm right here. I won't let them do that to you again," he whispers as he rubs soothing circles on my back.

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