The Question (Part I)

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The Avengers were sitting around the tower doing nothing when Thor popped in with a huge smile on his face.

"Friends! My father has invited you all to come to asgard for a 5 year celebration of the battle! He is very excited to meet you all."

"Wait... We get to go to Asgard!?!" Tony asked, now very interested.


"When?" Steve asked.

"As soon as you can."

The avengers went to their rooms and came out with packed bags in less than an hour. They were very excited to be going to Thor's home world. They stepped out onto the balcony and the bifrost surrounded them. It felt like falling, but they were going up. They landed in a domed building with a man in the middle decked out in golden armor with dark skin and orange eyes.

"Avengers, Welcome to Asgard." He said in a very deep voice.

"Heimdall! Good to see you my friend! Where is my father?"

"Your father is in his study."

Thor smiled at him and dipped his head a bit, "Thank you."

Heimdall dipped his head in response.

Thor had to practically drag Tony and Bruce away from studying the rainbow bridge, and they made their way towards the palace.

When they got there 4 people were waiting for them.

"My friends! It is good to see you!" Thor said as he hugged each of them in turn. "Avengers, meet Lady Sif and the Warriors Three!"

"Thor has told us a lot about you. He said you were all great companions in battle!" Volstagg said.

Nat and Sif started talking off to the side while the rest of the friends met. 

Then Bruce asked hesitantly, "Are you all Loki's friends as well?" Everyone stopped talking and stared at him. "I just thought that if you guys grew up with Thor, you also grew up with Loki" More silence. "You know what, forget I asked. I was--"

Sif cut him off. "We used to be. His mind went far afield though, for whatever reason, and we knew not what happened."

"Well how is he now?" Bruce pressed, even though Clint was glaring at him like he was fresh meat.

There was a pause before Hogun, who had been silent this entire time ,spoke up. "We do not know..."

Thor broke the awkward silence by saying he should introduce them to his father. The made their  way through the golden palace (Tony whispered to Steve,"Don't you ever say that my tower is gaudy again.") and reached Odin's study.

"My son! It is wonderful to see you again. What took you so long?"

"Ummm..." Thor paused reluctant to tell him. "Bruce had some questions."

"About what?" Odin said curiously.

"About Loki." Bruce cut in. "I am a doctor, I think you guys call them healers, so I worry about people."

Odin looked a little angry at this before responding. "It's fine, it is in your nature to be curious," and he left it at that.

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