The Sword

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"Okay now that you two are out of the magic rock, can we please make an actual plan on how to defeat this guy?" Nat said with her arms crossed.

Steve nodded and gathered the team around him. "Alright, this guy has 1 stone, we have 5, and we have the numbers. We should-"

"Too late."

Everyone turned to Loki and Clint, who had spoken at the same time. Bruce furrowed his brow. "What do you mean?"

Loki clarified. "We're too late, he's here. I can feel him."

Clint nodded. "Me too."

Strange looked at them with his eyebrow raised. "I just did a spell like 20 minutes ago while you guys were in there, he's on xandar looking for the power stone."

Clint shook his head. "No, he's nearing our solar system. At this rate he'll be here in a few hours at most."

"Barton's right," Loki confirmed. "If we don't have a plan yet, then we need one now and we need to start preparing."

Strange tilted his head and narrowed his eyes a bit. "I think a 7000 year old tracking spell is a bit better than your 'intuition'."

"They're right Strange, we need to start preparing now." Wong said as he re-entered the room. "The soul stone is notoriously good at recognizing and controlling the other stones. If they went through a journey in it and survived, it is natural that the stone would reward them. They may have inherited some of its abilities when they exited. If Thanos has the reality stone, they may be able to sense its presence."

Tony threw up his hands. "Great! So the psychopath is a few hours away at most, we still have no way of harnessing the stones' power, and we still have no plan. Wonderful!"

Loki and Clint looked at each other and then the sword in Loki's hand. Loki inspected it and along the handle there were six indentations. His eyes widened.

"Give me the stones." All attention turned to him. "Trust me."

The avengers reluctantly held out the stones they had. Loki took the green time stone first and held it to one of the indentations in the sword. The sword suctioned the stone towards itself and it fell perfectly into one of the indentations on the hilt. When the stone connected with the sword, the blade glowed green and then died down back to its normal state.

Everyone stared at the sword as Loki continued putting the stones in the blade. Each time it glowed the corresponding color of the stone that was put into it.

After all the five stones they had were put into it, everyone in the room could feel the energy of the stones interacting with one another.

"Can you use the stones?" Steve asked hesitantly. Loki shrugged and found his sights set on the crumbling, ruined room around them.

He set the sword tip on the floor and focused.

The sword wrapped itself with green and blue light that travelled down from the hilt onto the tip. From there it spread to the floor and rose along the walls around them. The cracked stones repaired themselves and the empty chains from the ceiling repaired themselves into pot holders that held vines that travelled down the walls and columns they were near. The sconces burned more brightly than they did before and the stone became more polished. When the sword stopped glowing, the room had repaired itself to all of its former glory.

They all stood in silence for a moment before Clint muttered, "...guess you can."

They all shook themselves out of it. Tony took in a breath,"Well I guess that's one problem solved."

Loki nodded. "Yes, but as amazing as this is we still need a plan....and an army. We may have Thanos himself in numbers, but you are all crazy if you don't think he is going to bring every bit of enforcement he can to help him win, including his very very expansive army."

"I can get us an army," Bucky said. "I'm sure the wakandans will be more than welcome the help fight against the evil space terrorist." He grinned at Loki who smirked back.

Steve nodded. "In that case, Avengers..."

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