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Loki and the Avengers, plus a few friends, stood in an expansive field surrounded by folliage. Behind them, the Wakandan army stood strong with their weapons in hand.

"Sir, something just entered the upper atmosphere," FRIDAY said over Stark's earpiece.

They watched as a giant circular spaceship came through the clouds and releases a bunch of pyramid-shaped objects from it's interior. The fell all around the border to the field and almost immediately ejected thousands of creatures from them.

Loki's expression stayed stoic, but inside he was terrified. That's a lot of outriders. He doesn't underestimate us. Knowing him, he probably has a lot more powerful weapons inside those as well.

The outriders began trying to push themselves through the border, killing themselves in the process. When T'Challa realized they were starting to go around to the main city, he ordered Shuri to open the barrier. As soon as it was opened, all of them began streaming in.

Loki heard the Wakandan king let out a battle cry and everyone rushed forward to fight the creatures, except him. He ran to the side, avoiding the main conflict, but still fighting the outriders nonetheless. He knew if Thanos wanted to appear, he would do it as far from the main action as possible, while still being close enough to cull his enemies.

Sure enough, about 15 minutes into the battle, Loki felt a prickling prescence down his back. He looked over towards his friends and realized that the outriders were all dead, but they were still swinging. Everyone except Clint who looked over in confusion at Loki. Clint asked over the earpiece "They are all still fighting?"

Loki was about to say "I don't know," before realizing this must be the work of the reality stone and that was what he felt prickling on his back. That meant that Thanos was listening to this conversation probably. Instead he said,"What do you mean? There is still a battle going on."

Clint looked even more confused for a moment before realized what Loki meant. "Oh yeah, I meant why are all these monsters still fighting, they know they aren't gonna win."

Loki thanked the Norns that Clint got the message that they couldn't speak freely. He focused on the soul stone on the sword and direct it towards his eyes. Everything got an orange hue and he could see a bright light surrounding those individuals with powers. He looked around him and finally made out a gigantic form to his right, watching from the shadows. He pretended not to notice, but then used the power stone to direct a hit against the giant figure. As soon as he saw the purple beam hit the treeline, he felt the prickling on his back subside. That kind of attack should break his focus enough for him to drop the illusion.

Thanos stalked out of the woods with a scowl on his face. Loki briefly looked behind him to see all of the Avengers realizing what had happened and making their way over the him.

"You RUNT!"

Loki turned back around just in time to dodge a hit from the titan. He used the space stone to teleport to a farther location so Thanos wouldn't be in reach of the stones.

From afar, he watched as the avengers tried, and failed to stop the titan from stalking towards Loki, who stood on the hill just above the action.

Then, from above, lightning and fire trailed behind a hammer aimed straight at the titan's heart. It hit and stuck into his skin like a bullet. Thor landed and pushed the hammer futrther into Thano's chest.

Loki panicked for a moment, He aimed for the heart, this isn't good.

He saw Thanos smirk and chuckle. "You should have gone for the head."

He saw as Cap tried to sever his head with the shield, but Thanos anticipated it and used the stone to turn his skin into vibranium. The shield broke on impact.

Loki used the space stone and appeared behind Thanos. "Hey! It's me you want."

Thanos turned slowly, mjolnir's dent still in him. "Child. If you hand over the stones I can make all of you pain go away. I can kill Odin, erase your memories of torture, and let you live peacefully."

Loki gritted his teeth and glared. "Never."

"I could bring your mother back, would you like that?"

Without a second thought, he channeled all of the stones into the sword's blade and sliced through the titan's neck. As the titan's corpse fell to the ground, all the ships around them disintegrated.

Loki looked at the body. Everything, every memory, every thought, every feeling, came rushing into him. He fell to his knees, the sword clattering to the ground, and he sobbed.

He felt Barton and Barnes behind him, embracing him, as everyone watched in silence.

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