And then there were two...

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get up

Get Up

"Get up."

Loki opened his eyes slowly and saw to blurry forms of a few agents come into focus. Light was already flooding the room. There was already breakfast waiting on the bedside table that one of the avengers delivered for him.

How nice of them not to wake me.


His attention was brought back to the guards. Two of them grabbed his upper arms and pulled him out of the bed, gripping tightly so there was no room to escape. Another one came behind and started to cuff his wrists and ankles together.

"At least take me on a date first," Loki said with a smirk, trying to diffuse some of the tension that ran through his upper body.

They were not amused.

As soon as they finished, they started to roughly guide him out of the room. Along with the two that held his biceps, there were more surrounding him, two in front, and another two in back. He thought that it seemed a little excessive considering the circumstances, nevertheless, he went along with it. Better not to anger them.

They came upon the entryway to the meeting hall and communal area. Upon entering, Loki saw all of the avengers, that horrid bureaucrat whose name he can't be bothered to remember, and another man who seemed to be in a similar position as himself. He had long brown hair and a short-cut beard. The most noticeable feature, however, was the silver and gold arm. Barnes. The name resurfaced from his memory.

"Now that we're all here we can get started." The ridiculous man stood up once he saw the trickster.

The avengers glared a bit at the man.

The man, Ross as Loki slowly started to remember, seemed to notice the disgruntled team. Before he could say anything however, Steve spoke up.

"I think I speak for everyone here when I say we just want to get this over with."

"Considering you are very lucky to not be in the same position as these two," he gestured towards Barnes and myself, "you would do well to keep quiet while I explain the situation."

Steve just gave him a look that clearly read 'Oh really now?' .

Ross gave a little gesture that apparently meant 'bring the two assholes over here' since Loki and Barnes were guided towards the couch in the corner of the room. They were somewhat-roughly forced to sit down.

Ross turned to them. "Alright here's how it's going to go. You will both be fitted with ankle monitors that will track every movement you make. They also have the ability to produce enough electrical charge to knock out an elephant. You go outside, zap. You touch the front door, zap. You go near the hanger, zap. You get the idea. Go anywhere you aren't supposed to go and you'll be incapacitated and in a whole lot of pain.

If you try to escape, you'll be put in a cell. If we find that you possess any weapons on your person, they will be confiscated and you spend a month in a cell. I'll come back to this in a minute.

If you break any of the following rules you can be confined to your room or a cell, depending on what you did, for a period no longer than three weeks: Minor violence, emphasis on minor, stealing, getting in anyone's way, no destroying anything or going anywhere without supervision, and no threatening anyone. If someone tells you to do something, do it."

Loki was trying to make a mental list of all the rules, but it was kind of hard to focus with the cuffs digging into his wrists. Hopefully someone else remembers all of them.

"If you are being violent, you will be restrained until you are no longer a danger.

Now these next few things are specifically for the genocidal maniac over here."

Barnes spoke up. "Which one?"

Loki couldn't help snorting a bit at the comment. He looked over at the soldier and saw him smirking a bit. Oh yeah. We are going to get along just fine.

Ross looked unamused at the comment. "The demigod." He turned to look at Loki. "You can't use any harmful magic, or illusions. You also can't wear any armor."

Loki was about to ask how he would even enforce that and then remembered that the entire compound is fitted with cameras.

Ross turned back to the both of them now. "Finally, you can't lock any doors. Are we all clear?"

"Do you like being able to control people, general?" Barnes looked at the man.

Ross didn't deign that with an answer.

Two of the guards put the monitors on the 'war criminals'. They weren't too bulky, but bulky enough that you couldn't hide them. The guards unshackled the two men and headed towards the door.

Ross gave them all a final look before exiting.

Loki rolled his eyes. "Well that was pleasant."

Barnes laughed a bit. "Did you catch any of what he said, I was focusing too much on the crumbs stuck in his mustache."

"Something along the lines of 'Be a model prisoner or get electrocuted and/or locked up.'" Loki smirked a bit as he examined his now-red wrists.

"Did you two seriously not pay attention to any of that?" Steve asked.

Loki shrugged. Barnes nodded.

"Ross is going to kill you two."

Loki shrugged again. "He can't kill what's already dead."

Everyone except Barnes looked very concerned and confused. He just started laughing. "I've been dead for 73 years now."

Steve was just flat out confused at this point. "What the hell do you two mean you're dead?"


Steve glared at Tony.

Barnes and Loki just looked at each other and started chuckling. "You wouldn't get it." Loki said as the laughter slowed down. He turned back to Barnes. "Loki."

"James Buchanan Barnes. Most people call me Bucky."

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