443 8 13

2/16/20 (1756 words)

I recognized the same wooden floor as in the hallway, and light, pastel-ish green walls.

And there stood an astonished Ben, in all of his glory. He carried a bag of tortilla chips and a bottle of coke in his hands, wore two different socks, grey shorts and an excessively oversized mustard colored shirt that looked awful in combination with his hair. Then he startet smiling.


"Hi" I said smiling back.

"You forgot your backpack you moron" Jeff yelled, getting inside behind me, throwing my backpack on the floor and freezing when he took notice of Ben.

For a moment, no one said anything, Jeff and I just stood there, covered in mud and holding our dirty shoes. I felt exposed. Even though I (for once) haven't done anything.

"What were you two doing out there?" Ben asked shadily calm,visibly hiding a smirk.

I didn't know what to say so I just looked at Jeff, who just looked at me with the same expression.

"You know, I was actually shipping her with Brian, but this is waaayy better." he gushed not even hiding his grin anymore, and ran for it.
I was confused but realized that he fled from Jeff, who took off right after Ben yelling something incomprehensible.

Right after Ben and Jeff stormed out I could hear screaming, and then-

silence. Should I go after them? I mean..

Suddenly, a guy I didn't recognize poked his head through the door. He had brown hair and inviting hazel eyes.
"Are you o- ok? " he asked. I noticed the way he kind of twitched while talking. It looked as if he hiccuped, but instead stuttered lightly. He looked me up and down in a concerned manner and seemed to be relieved to see me alright.

"I think Ben is the one you should worry about." I said, frowning.
"Oh he'll will be fine." he smiled and waved it off, rolling his eyes. "He regularly attacks or p-pranks Jeff, and always managed to worm his way out. They're best friends." he explained, still smiling. "You look tired."
"Thank you" I said blankly. I don't have the energy to be nice and everything right now.

"Haha, I'm sorry." -he scratched his neck- "I'm Ticci Toby by the way, but just call me Toby. We haven't met yet. But I guess y-you haven't met most of the household, right? But don't worry, everyone's nice. I'm sorry, I've started rambling a-again. Oh right I was about to make some waffles, and you haven't eaten in a while, would you like s-some?" he smiled nervously but that was the cutest thing.

I swear that guy looked like a really really happy and excited puppy. He looks so happy he made my smile in- and externally. He must really love waffles.

"Oh I drift off all the time, and I don't even realize I'm rambling until someone stops me. But hell, I'd murder someone for some good waffles right now." I said smiling even wider.

"Ooooh noooooooo, can't let that happen." Toby laughed, stretching the 'oh no' dramatically and walked over to the kitchen, motioning for me to follow, and I complied.

The kitchen looked pretty normal, the drawers were dark brown, the floor was as wooden as everywhere else so far.
A little outdated, but large and nice.

"Toppings? Whipped Cream, Sprinkles, Vanilla-, Caramel or chocolate syrup? " Toby asked me.
"YeS (toppings of your choice) please" I smiled at him. I just couldn't not-smile looking at him.


I sat down at the counter and watched him. He started preparing the waffles, and when he closed the waffle iron a question popped into my head.
"Soo...Are you human?"

mutual (Jeff the Killer x Reader) Where stories live. Discover now