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1/12/20 ( 2379 words)

(y/n) POV

It smells like paper. In a good way. The smell of new paper, mixed with the scent of the night, that emerged through the open window behind the desk. I wanted to go outside.

Me and the creature called "the Slender Man", or just Slender, sat in his office for about two hours now. He explained what the mansions purpose is and kinda the basics.

I didn't know what to say. That was a lot to take in. While my brain tried to process the information, I looked around the office. Me and Slender sat at a dark, wooden desk. Like those big, impressive mafioso desks. There were also two antique bookshelves, in a different shade of brown and visibly chipped. Both were filled with all kinds of books, science books, technical literature, as well as classics such as "Romeo and Juliet". I missed reading. I haven't really had books with me all the time, since they're heavy, take alot of space etcetera. But I used to love reading when I was younger. Then there were some books in languages I didn't know, and I decided not to look further into it. That never ends good in movies. The rest of the room was full of normal office stuff, papers, files so on and so forth. But in one corner, there laid something very important to me. My backpack.

"Go ahead. Take it. All your belongings are inside." Slender said when he noticed my gaze. "Thank you" I mumbled, and rushed to my beloved backpack and hugged it. It was like my safe haven. As Slender said, everything was inside. My headphones, my phone, my lockpicks, money, clothes everything. I genuinely don't know how because I clearly recall my backpack catching fire but oh well.

I sat back down in the chair and let everything he said go through my head, while he just calmly sat and waited.

"Why am I here then? You could've just rescued Jeff out the house and left me there. After all, I'm kinda his enemy."

"I don't create this mansions residents. Some of them are plain human. I -"

"SOME of them? Are you telling me not everyone here is human? So monsters aren't legends?" I interrupted him. But he just looked at me. With his blank face.
"Oh. Right. I'm sorry. But.. who exactly isn't human here? I mean, obviously Jeff isn't but-"

"He is." Damn, ok. So the story is true I guess. "But that's not something for me to tell you. As I said, I don't create the mansions residents. I just take them to the mansion as soon as I encounter one, or someone about to become one. As soon as a Killer is close to the mansion, it will call for them. Have you perhaps tried to leave town but something kept you from doing so? Or in reverse, when you were close to town, something tugged on your mind and led you here?" he asked. I thought about it and he was right.

At some point I considered leaving town because of Jeff, but something told me not to. I nodded.

"Then this is a proposal. We still have room for one more resident." he finished.

"And what if I don't want to?" I asked. "I still have this Jeff problem." And my I-like-to-be-alone problem. "This is an offer. I'm not forcing you to do anything. And about Jeff, don't let that get to you. I'm certain you are able to handle him. And he'll stop at some point. For now, you can stay at the mansion, and please consider a permanent stay. But once you're one of them, you can't go back. Don't forget that." he said. I lightly nodded. Not like I really have something to go back to anyways.

"You may now do whatever you feel like. You can sleep in the same room you woke up in today, there's a bathroom in the hallway, and towels are in your room. I'll introduce you to the others in the morning. If you want to take a walk please take someone with you, since the woods in this area aren't safe for you yet and not everyone is aware of you." he said.
I nodded again and walked to the door, until I remembered something and stopped in front of it. "Yes, child?"

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