~Why?~ Chapter 2

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Notes to remember throughout the st0ry

Mum: Ivy (L/N)

Dad: Noah (L/N)

Older Sister: Sophie (L/N)

Boyfriend: Zac (R/L/N) - (Random/Last/Name)



On a random day

~(Y/N) Pov~

I decided to visit my boyfriend, Zac because it was his birthday today. He knows that I have a job every day in the afternoon, but I wanted to surprise him. I asked my boss If I could have the day off because it was his birthday. Fortunately, he let me off and asked one of my co-workers to make the shift. Saying something about true love.

I was walking down the streets toward his house with a beautiful necklace wrapped up and put into a small bag that has the word 'happy birthday' on it. It was a beautiful day as the sun was out shining brightly, birds singing and trees were gently swaying. Blocking out all the noise from cars and people chattering as I thought about how Zac would react.  A cold breeze passed me and I froze. My brain, heart and conscious is warning me about something but I pushed it aside and continued trudging forward. A sense of dread washing over me as the view of his house appeared.

Luckily, Zac gave me a key to his house so I could come and visit him anytime. I pulled the key out and walked inside his house and found a pair of girls' sports shoes. 'It looks familiar. His parents aren't home because they are out on a business trip. So who could it be?' I walked towards upstairs where his room was knowing that he would probably be playing games, sleeping or doing his homework at that time.

I was about to go upstairs but stopped before I set my foot on the first step. Hearing moans, groans and... and smacking sounds resonating throughout the house and a lot of shuffling. (A/N: ... I did not like writing that at all. Even though if it's just that much.) I quietly walked up the stairway as to not make that much sound. I reached the top of the stairway and looked towards Zac's room.

The noises were much louder.

The door was closed. I closed my eyes thinking of how I should approach this.

'F*** it, it's now or never. It's better than, if it's true, getting cheated on without knowing.'

I walked towards the closed door quietly and my heart was beating fast. I felt like I could faint at any moment now. I slammed the door open and there it was.

 I slammed the door open and there it was

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