"Becoming one of them... Is it something genetic? Are some people 'destined' to become murderers?"
He didn't respond right away. "Why are you asking?"

"Nothing important. Nevermind."
I turned back and left, closing the door behind me. I didn't feel like taking a full-grown walk yet. Today was exhausting. Really exhausting.

I decided to look around the house, and maybe just step outside for a little air.
I put on my backpack, and quickly recognized the door I fell out of when EJ opened it. On one end, I saw the stairs to the bedrooms and the front door, and on the other end should be the kitchen and the living room. I saw that the light was on upstairs, and I could make out Hoodie and Ben talking. But the living room area seemed to be clear.

I made my way to the living room. It wasn't small, but it wasn't big too. I couldn't see the color of the room, but I didn't want to switch on the light either. I'll be fine. But there was a big window on the right, along with a glass door. The backyard. That's what big mama was looking for. I could make out a couch and a couple of armchairs of some kind, and the entrance of the kitchen. Stepping in, I could also see a shiny flatscreen TV on the same wall as the hallway door, and at least 4 different video game-consoles under it.
I ignored everything, went right to the door and slid out into the darkness. It smelled like outside. It smelled like night and rain, and a little bit like wet dirt.

Well the mansion is in the woods but still. I can't think of a better smell right now. There was a small wooden veranda thingy, and stairs to go down to the grass.

It's probably wet, but then again who cares. I was about to step onto the grass, but then I realized I only had socks on.

"Oh God fuckin damnit. I've been through so much today, I can't take this right now." I continued to curse and mutter under my breath, until I realized my shoes might be in my backpack.

I put it off, knelt next down and opened it. "YES" I whisper-yelled to myself. There they were. My antique pair of ( whatever shoes you like:)), from back in the day. I skillfully put them on within seconds and was gonna close my backpack and swing it onto my shoulders, but stopped.
I was contemplating whether to listen to music, but decided against it. I'm rarely this far out in the woods, I might as well just listen to the trees. I still got out my phone to check the time, and thankfully it wasn't dead. Haven't thought about the fact that it might not be charged.

It had 15% and it was 12am. That's all I wanted to know. I looked for my knife too, just in case, and found it in the front pocket. I put my phone back and left my knife untouched. I continued my journey, and started walking circles in the backyard, trying to stay as far from the woods as possible. I wasn't one to take warnings lightly. I hate taking risks. Kind of. If I know I'm capable of something, then it's not a risk. Like jumping from one roof to another.

But there's gotta be something dangerous in the woods.
But then again, why even stay here at
all? I could just leave.

I sighed, and laid on the wet grass, using my backpack as a pillow.
I tried to relax. Time for (y/n)'s thinky-thoughts. I found out a lot today. A lot-lot. But I'm not tired. I've probably slept 24 hours straight after the Jeff thing. I'm just exhausted.

I could see all the stars out here. When did I last take the time to actually look at the stars? Now that I think about it, it's probably been years. I wasn't out at night alot back then. And if I was, I never paid attention to the sky. What a waste. I feel really stupid right now.

I'm telling myself how free I am all the time but now I realize that all the times when people in movies were all like "wow, this is such a pretty view!" they weren't tryna be dramatic. I thought pretty views were overrated. But it's true. I've had plenty of opportunities to see pretty views, but I didn't.

mutual (Jeff the Killer x Reader) Where stories live. Discover now