Chapter Twenty

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You know, they say time has a wonderful way of showing us what really matters. It's been the most wonderful three years of my life after war. I went back home to see Jaime. I told her as much as I could about what happened. I introduced her to Nova, Vanessa and Matt.

Now Matt and Jaime are happily married with a baby on the way. Vanessa is still meeting people and breaking hearts along the way. She says she just hasn't found her person yet.

Zeke showed back up after about a month and confessed. Rick handed his punishment to me and I stripped him of his wolf. He now has to suffer seeing his wolf run free knowing he can never shift again.

We moved Stella's grave to America so we could visit whenever we want. I went to talk to her a few days ago. Telling her about all of our adventures and how much I miss her

Hands wrapped around my waist and I smiled. I turn to see my gorgeous girlfriend. Nova and I have been taking things slow. Not rushing our relationship because I know we'll be together for a very long time.

"I have somewhere I want to take you," she said.

I cocked my head to the side. "Oh really?"


"Where would that be?"

"That dark blue dress I bought you, put it on."

Her eyes were shining with mischief. She took a step back. "Vanessa will be here at about seven to pick you up so be ready."

Before I could even question her she disappeared out of the door. I was now left in my apartment alone and confused. I checked the time to see it was almost six o'clock.

I took a quick shower and dried off. I slipped on baby pink lace underwear. The dress she was talking about was silk, long sleeve, deep v-neck with a slit running up my thigh. Where could she possibly want to take me in a dress like this? I slipped on white strappy heels

I curled the ends of my hair and put on light pink lipstick. I put on a mascara and little eyeliner. After I was finished getting ready there was a knock on the door. I quickly grabbed my purse slipping in my phone, wallet and keys.

I opened the front door and Vanessa was standing on the other side. She was wearing a strapless black dress and red heels.

"Well hello gorgeous," she said.

I smiled, "You don't look so bad yourself."

She led me out to a limousine. There was at least two wolf whistles on our way to the car. Vanessa let me get in and she slipped in next. Jaime and Matt were already there. Jaime looked about ready to pop but she was still dressed nicely.

"Where are we going," I asked.

They all only shrugged but I knew they knew. We were riding and talking for about ten minutes before we pulled up to a park. We all stepped out of the car. Matt pulled a blindfold out of his pocket. He waved it around and smiled.

"Sorry, just following orders."

"Nova told you to do this?"

He slipped the blindfold on without answering. I felt two arms slip in mine as we walked slowly leading me to an unknown destination. We weren't walking long before the blindfold slipped off and I gasped.

In front of me was a large gazebo decorated with lights and flowers. There was a crowd of people that we'd met over the years. They all stood around the gazebo while Nova stood in the middle. She had on a tux that matched my dress. Her hair was up in a bun and she looked amazing.

I walked over to her. She held out her hand and I took it in mine. Music started playing and she lead me in a dance.

"Nova, what is all of this?"

"It's my way of showing you how much I love you."

"You know you don't have to go out of your way to show me that."

"But I want too. When my parents died, I had no one. I was alone and my heart was empty. Then I met you and I wasn't alone anymore. You've single handedly wormed your way into my heart and I don't want you to leave. I want forever with you. There's not enough words in the world to explain how much I love you. So I want to spend the rest of my life showing you."

She took a step back and got down on one knee. My hand flew over my mouth as tears began rushing down my face. She pulled out the ring I bought all those years ago.

"You thought you were being sneaky but I saw you when you bought this. It's only right I propose to you with it. So, Rory, will you marry me?"

I could only nod. I didn't even trust myself to form coherent words. She slipped the ring on my finger and she almost toppled over when I threw myself in her arms.

"I love you so much," was all I could get out. Claps filled my ears as I pulled back. Jaime came up holding a camera.

"No, I look a mess," I said trying to hide behind my fiancé. It feels so amazing to even think that.


Soon to be wife.

We stayed out for a few more hours. Talking and laughing. I was congratulated more times than I can count. Nova and I were pulled apart a few times but always found our way back to each other.

I was sitting on the bed taking off my heels when Nova came in. She'd pulled her hair out of the bun and was halfway undressed. She walked over to me and helped me slip off my heels. Her hands ran up my thighs which were on full display because of the slit.

"You look absolutely breathtaking in this dress."

"You picked it out for me."

She hummed as she slipped the dress of my shoulders. It fell down and she completely pulled it off. I was left in nothing but my underwear.

"Well, this is no fair. How come I'm the only one naked?"

Nova rolled her eyes but complied and stripped down. She climbed on top and began kissing me. My hands ran up the length of her toned body. I gasped when Nova took one of my breast in her mouth and played with the other one.

"Nova," I breathed out.



She smirked moving lower until she was right above where I wanted her to be. She blowed on my heat making a shiver run up and down my spine.

"Nova please...."

"Please what?"

"D-don't tease. I want you."

That's all she needed. She completely ravished my body and left me moaning and squirming under her touch. It's everything I wanted and more. When she was finished I was worn out but I still flipped us over.

"Your turn."

We went into we both collapsed from exhaustion. Which wasn't until the sun was starting to rise. I stared at the ring on my finger and smiled. This was the beginning of something amazing.

The End

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