Chapter Nine

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Tense doesn't even begin to describe how the house felt the next morning. I wanted to talk to Nova but she avoided me every time I tried to get close. On the other hand I was avoiding El. What she did yesterday was awful.

So, now I was talking to Nessy and T. I'd finally come up with nicknames for them. I was in the middle of my bed with each of them on either side of me. I felt safe with them. Like the big brother and sister I never had.

"I don't know what to do. Nova is avoiding me and I'm avoiding El."

I put my head on T's shoulder while Nessy combed her fingers through my hair. "What Stella did was wrong. But you have to understand she acted purely off of hurt feelings," Nessy said.

"I mean, I get that. But there was so many better ways to handle that situation. Now whatever relationship I even hoped for Nova and I is over."

"Give her a little time. If she didn't like you she wouldn't bother avoiding you," T said.

I nodded. Right. If she didn't even have a little bit of feelings for me then she would still talk to me. But she does, so I would give her some time.

"You guys are the best. I think I would have had an emotional breakdown without you."

"Well being emotional support comes with the job of protectors," T said. I smiled crawling off the bed. I grabbed the list he made and smiled.

"Well, we have things to do today."

I was feeling better. T and Nessy left my room so that I could dress. I asked them to tell El and Nova to get ready. I put on some light blue jeans and grey shirt. I slipped on grey Nike running shoes and threw my hair into a ponytail.

There were other important things that were going on. I couldn't sit around and mope about my relationships. I grabbed the list tucking it into my back pocket. "Okay Rory. Focus on stopping war. That's what's important right now."

I left my room. I took a few deep breaths as I made my way downstairs. If anybody was avoiding anyone, El and Nova stayed away from each other like they each had a deadly disease the other didn't want. I was kind of glad for it. I quite honestly thought one of them would back out in coming with me but nobody said anything.

They were both sitting on opposite sides of the living room as well. "Alright, you can do this," I whispered under my breath. 

T gave me a thumbs up and Nessy smiled. "Alright let's go."

I decided I would drive. It would help me focus. Nova took shotgun and El sat behind her. The car was so quiet. I have never been in a more awkward situation. I looked up at the rear view mirror at El. Her gaze was focused intently on the window.

We couldn't get to our first destination fast enough. It was a recreational center. As I pulled up I saw kids playing. I focused in on their auras. It was a mix. Red, blue and purple all playing with each other. That's the wonderful thing about children. They didn't hold grudges.

They were the future and I'm glad they already had a sense of peace. I stepped out of the car, Nova and El following behind. I walked into the rec center. Kids ran around everywhere. I loved children and seeing this really made me happy.

I walked up to the front desk and the receptionist gasped. "Oh my goodness, you're her."

I smiled. "I'm Rory."

She receptionist started to bow. "Oh no, please don't do that. I just wanted to hang out with the kids. Is that okay?"

"You would have to talk to the manager."

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