Chapter Nineteen

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This was it.

Today was the day.

I wasn't even able to sleep last night. So as the sun rose over the horizon I was already outside up on the roof. My hair blew softly in the wind. Whatever happened today decided the fate of the supernatural world.

Of course everything wouldn't change immediately. But once the higher ups who caused the chaos was out of the picture the move for peace would happened more smoothly.

As the pack started to get up I made my way off the roof. I navigated through people making my way to Rory. There hadn't been any progress since the other day. Technically, she was still dying. The doctor said if she didn't begin healing then the wounds would eventually kill her.

I almost went off to find Zeke after hearing that news. He was still in the wind. The deep, burning hatred I had for him was immeasurable. I was going to use that for the fight today. I knew if I focused too much on Rory I wouldn't be of much help.

"Hey love. Today's the day. Everything we worked for is coming down to this one battle. I'd hoped to be fighting by your side. But I'll be fighting for you and that's okay with me. I - I love you Aurora. You've made me happier than I've been in a long time. Please, please don't let this be goodbye. I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Preferably in life but -"


I turned to see Vanessa standing at the door. She walked up to me. She stuck a finger in my chest. "No, she's coming back. We won't even talk as if she's not. She has so much to come back to and I know she'll fight for it. Now we have a job to do."

Vanessa and I left the room. I didn't look back knowing that if I did I would end up staying with her. We stepped outside where all the people who were fighting were gathered. We squeezed our way through the crowd. Matt found his way to us as we stood before the Alpha and Luna.

"Today we march onto war once again. Lives will be lost. People will be wounded. But we fight for peace. We fight so all the supernatural creatures can live together. No more battles. No more death. Today is the fight that will end all fights."

He paused. I could see how easily he captured his entire packs attention with just his presence.

"Aurora, the most powerful mage returned to us. She was the only one who had the courage to stand up to this madness. So we fight for her as well. You go out there and you fight. Don't die for your pack, make another bastard die for his."

At that, the area was filled with cheers and howls. Rick does have a way with words. Soon we were marching on to the Blood Tree. Nobody talked. The only thing you could hear was the sound of everyone's feet walking. The energy in the air was electrifying. It was exciting and terrifying all at once.

After about twenty minutes of walking the pack started shifting. It meant we were getting close. They all varied in different sizes and shapes. Matt shifted next to us. He was larger than mostly everybody else, though Rick and Cara hasn't shifted yet.

Finally we broke into a clearing. I'd never seen the Blood Tree before. It was large. Roughly thirteen feet high and five feet wide. It's leaves were red. Every single one of them. I guess that's why they believe the blood spilled feeds the tree.

The leaders from Paris were there with each of their packs. If we didn't have an army before we had one now. Far off on the other side of the field I could see people and wolves coming through. They were separated though and we all could tell. That would ultimately be their downfall. We fight together and they fight apart.

We all kept moving until we were a few feet from each other. Finally Rick shifted. His wolf was huge. Even bigger than Matt's. He tilted his head back and let out a long howl. With no further delay we all rushed each other. The sound of growls and hisses filled the area. The energy from the mages was alive too.

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