Chapter Eleven

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I woke up the next morning and took a nice hot shower. It was exactly what I needed to start my day. I threw on some work out clothes and made my way to the kitchen. No one was up yet so I started making breakfast. It was the least that I could do considering what everyone else has been doing for me.

I was just finishing the last of the pancakes when Nessy and T joined me. They sat at the stool as I placed a plate of pancakes, bacon, eggs and apple juice in front of them. They thanked me. I made myself a plate but when Nova still didn't come downstairs I was confused. She wasn't the type to sleep in late.

"Is Nova still asleep?"

"She's actually not in her room," Nessy said.

I rose an eyebrow, where could she have gone? We all finished breakfast and Nessy said she'd cleaned the kitchen. I sat in the living room watching T.V. I peeked out the window every so often hoping to see Nova walking up to the front door. It was crazy how much I missed her. Finally, the front door opened and closed. I hopped up immediately and ran to the door. Nova was putting in the alarm with a couple of bags.

When she turned around I couldn't help the smile that formed on my face. I ran and wrapped my arms around her neck pulling her towards me. Then I immediately took a step back. "I'm sorry," I said. What was I thinking jumping on her like that? I blushed and looked down.

"Looks like somebody missed me."

I looked up to catch Nova with a small smirk. I cleared my throat, "So, what's in the bags?"

She handed them to me. I walked over to the couch and sat down. I opened up the bag and found a bunch of books about magic. There were ones about its origins, spells, and how to learn magic. "We don't know when Stella will be back, so like I said last night you're going have to start teaching yourself. I got you a bunch of books. I wasn't sure which specific ones you needed so I just got you everything."

I pulled Nova into another hug. This time instead of pulling away I kissed her cheek. "Thank you."

I didn't miss the slight red that coated her cheeks. I opened one of the books. It was the one about the origins of magic.

Magic is a life form. Everything is alive. That is what makes it so powerful. You can create, destroy and bend that life at will. Magic is based on emotion. It latches on too however you feel and portrays it. Most think you must cut off your emotions to control your magic. Though that helps, you're not fully embodying that magic correctly. If you can control your emotions and allow the magic to do what it must, you in turn will have control.

That was different. I was completely wrong about how I should control my magic. I looked at Nova who was reading one of the other books. "I'm going to try something okay?"

She nodded. I closed my eyes and thought back to when I was younger. I was raised by my grandparents. I loved them with all my heart but I always wished I had my parents. Seeing everyone else's parents come pick them up from school or come to their performance made me sad. Which as I got older turned into anger. Middle school I was running rampant. Doing any and everything I could to work that anger out. I tapped into that anger.

Slowly the ground began to shake. A slow tremble. I opened my eyes and brought one of my hands up. The objects in the room began to rise. Even the couch Nova and I were sitting on. Then as I went into high school I came to terms with the fact that even though I didn't have a mom and dad I had parents. My grandparents did everything for me and I don't know what I would do without them. I placed the objects back down and the ground stopped shaking.

I did it. I used my emotions to control the magic.

I smiled and clapped excitedly. Nessy and T raced downstairs. "Is everything okay? We felt the ground shake," T said. I could see some of his wolf hair began to sprout. He was going to shift.

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