Chapter One

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I was convinced that I lived the most boring life on the planet. Everyday I woke up and did the exact same thing. Nothing new, nothing exciting ever happened to me. I watched a woman on the news win the lottery and knew in that moment her whole life just changed. Whether it was for better or worse was up to fate. I just wanted for once, in my entire life, for something to happen.

I sipped on my coffee as I walked down the street on my way to work. The fall breeze made me shiver slightly but it was an otherwise welcome guest. My phone started ringing and I dug around in my purse looking for it. I finally grabbed it and saw that it was my roommate, Jaime calling.

"Hey girl, what's up," I answered.

"You left your lunch on the counter," she replied laughing. I left my lunch at least once a week and Jaime made it a point to make fun of me about it.

"Could you bring it to my job, please?"

Jaime giggled, "Of course."

As I hung up the phone someone bumped my shoulder roughly nearly making me spill my coffee. "Excuse you!"

But whoever it was just kept walking. People in New York could be so rude. I finally make it to work. I slipped behind the counter and into the back. The coffee shop was already filled with lively chatter. I took off my sweater hung it up on the coat rack and slipped my purse in my locker. I pulled my hair up into a neat bun and checked the time. 9:00 AM. Only have to do this for the next seven hours with a one hour break included. Yay work.

I walked up to the register taking the place of one of the other employees. I put on a friendly smile as a woman walked up to me. She was quite beautiful. Long raven colored hair with striking green eyes. Her small button nose and full lips gave a soft look about her but the way she carried herself was anything but. She walked with a scary kind of grace but still had a stiff posture. Something about her made me nervous.

"Good morning, what can I get for you," I said politely despite the nervousness.

"Large caramel macchiato with a double expresso shot."

I typed the order quickly, "A name for the order?"


"Alright Nova, that'll be 7.56 and your order will be out in a few minutes."

She put a clean ten dollar bill on the counter. "Keep the change."

I nodded putting the money in the register and taking the next customer. I couldn't help but watch as Nova took a seat in the corner and pulled out a book. She looked harmless but at the same time had this mysterious air about her.

"Order for Nova."

She looked up just then and caught me staring. A deep blush filled my cheeks and I looked away embarrassed. What are you doing Rory? Stop acting like a love struck 16 year old and get back to work.

The hours seemed to pass by slowly. My lunch break couldn't come soon enough and my cheeks hurt from all the smiling. I grabbed my coat and slipped out the back door. Jaime had brought my lunch a little earlier making sure to tease me about it.

There was a makeshift table and chair that I set up for myself back here. There were closed gates on both ends of the alley so no one would bother me. I grabbed my sandwich and took a bite. The sour of the mustard and the sweet of the turkey made me moan a little as I took another bite.

I took out my phone and opened Mario Kart. I didn't know why but I was addicted to this game. I use to play it all the time as a kid and now I play it just as much as an adult. I absentmindedly took another bite of my sandwich looking for a track that I hadn't gotten five stars on.

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