Chapter Three

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It was real.

It was all real.

I've been living amongst ... supernatural creatures my entire life.

It felt weird to even say it in my head. Everything I knew about the world changed. It changed the moment I saw a man change into a wolf. It changed the moment I witnessed a woman with fangs. It changed the moment I formed a bond with both with just a touch. How doesn't the world know about them? How have they kept themselves hidden for so long?

Where do I fit in to all this?

Vanessa, Matt, Nova and I left through the steel door which magically reappeared. I would have to ask Nova about that later. We were walking along a familiar sidewalk. Walking down the street with such good looking people drew a lot of attention. People stared and whispered. Vanessa basked in the attention. Matt didn't seem to care and Nova ... she was indifferent. I could never quite tell what she was thinking or how she was feeling. She seemed to have built walls around her that nothing could tear down.

As we passed the coffee shop where I work I realized we were going back to my apartment.


"Nova, how do you know where I live?"

"We've been keeping tabs on you," she said without missing a beat.

My mouth opened slightly. "You've been doing what?"

"Keeping tabs. We had to make sure you were her."

"I was who? What are you talking about?"

"We'll explain everything when we get back to your apartment."

Then all of a sudden I thought about Jaime. She must be worried sick. When I didn't come home .. how long have I been gone?

"How long have I been gone?"

"Two days," Nova responded.

My eyes widened. "Two days!"

Vanessa chuckled. "Is there someone you need to get back too?"

I blushed. "I mean, no, but still. I have a job. I can't just go missing and then turn up like everythings okay."

Vanessa and Matt shared a look. "What?"

They didn't respond and I was left with thousands of questions swirling in my head. Everything was moving so fast. I had so many questions that were going unanswered. I thought about just turning away now. Telling them I didn't want to be apart of whatever this was. But .. I couldn't. Something in the back of my mind told me this was exactly where I was suppose to be. So, I listened.

We made it back to my apartment. I started looking for my keys and realized I didn't have them. Nova kneeled down and started picking the lock. "Nova, you can't just pick the lock," I yelled whispered. She ignored me and soon the door swung open. On the other side Jaime stood their holding a knife.

"Rory," she questioned. I moved past Nova and entered the apartment. Jaime swept me into a hug setting the knife down. "Where were you? I called and you didn't answer. Your job said you went out on a lunch break and never came back. They found your phone and food in the alley. I filed a missing person report. Did someone hurt you?"

She reached up to touch my stiches and I smiled softly. "It's okay, Jaime. I'm fine."

Jaime finally looked behind me. Her eyes widened taking them in. "Okay, seriously, how do you disappear and come back with people who look that good?"

"It's a lot and I have to explain later. But right now I need you to go down to the police station. Tell them I'm fine. Can you do that for me?"

Jaime was hesitant but the she nodded and left per my request. Matt closed the door and I took a seat on the couch. It felt weird. It felt normal but I knew my life was anything but now.

"How am I suppose to tell her," I muttered to myself.

"You can't, darling."

I looked up at Vanessa. "What do you mean I can't? She's gonna have so many questions I can't just lie to her."

"You won't have too. You won't be telling her anything. By tonight we'll be on the first flight to Europe," Nova responded.

My head snapped up so quick I almost got whiplash. "We're doing what?!"

I couldn't do that. My life was here. My job, my roommate my - my ... my what?

What was actually keeping me here?

"We're going to Europe. We have too, that's where it all started," Matt responded.

"What, the story?"

He nodded. "So, in the story, Vanessa would be the vampire and Matt would be the werewolf. Who am I?"

Vanessa smirked, "Why the mage of course."

My eyes widened in disbelief. "No, that can't be right. I don't even remember to bring my lunch to work there is no way I can preform magic."

"We've been watching you for some time now. Dug deep into your background. You are her direct descendent," Nova said. She drifted over to the window. Looking out every few minutes.

"Well, what was her name?"

Matt and Vanessa shared a smile. Nova even had a small smirk. "Her name was Aurora."

As I boarded the plane, I couldn't help but feel bad. I'd packed all my things and left before Jaime got back. I left a very vague note. The only consolation I had was that she probably wouldn't believe me if I told her anyway. Nova told me where we were going was dangerous. It was filled with vampires and werewolves who hated each other. It's best to not bring her into that.

She said when people learned of my existence it would cause a disruption. Some would like it and some wouldn't. The ones who wouldn't were the concern. So, I had to start learning magic. Harnessing my powers so that I could bring back balance. Or die trying.

I sat by the window and Nova took the seat next to me. I was slightly shocked seeing as she was really standoffish and not really the type to wanna sit next to someone on a 10-hour flight. "Where do you fit into the story," I asked.

Nova looked at me. Her green eyes felt like they were staring right into my soul. It made me nervous. Then she looked away and shrugged.

Behind me Vanessa tapped my shoulder. I turned around and sat up a little to look over the seat. "In the story, Aurora had a lover. No one knows who they were or what happened to them after she was killed."

I nodded and turned back to Nova. Her eyes were closed and she was relaxed. I smiled, a lover.

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