Episode Four: Fox(pt. 1)

Start from the beginning


I hope that you will succeed in your dreams...without me. I can never compare to you and I'm done being bullied for that. So...I wish you the best and I will never see you again. Goodbye, big brother.


Guy gasped in complete shock...was Jeffrey running away?

There's no time to ponder this as Guy quickly exited out of the sheet tent and climbed down of the treehouse. He hopped over the brick wall and sprinted through the rain. His heart was racing while passing by baffled civilians, who shrugged it off as nothing. He turned sharp corners, his thoughts speeding by of reasons why Jeffrey ran away. Guy noticed Jeffrey, who just walked past the floral shop.


Jeffrey glanced back at Guy for a quick second and bolted through the rain away from him.

"Hey! Jeffrey, wait!" Guy cried out while he chased after Jeffrey.

Jeffrey kept running, not looking back at Guy.

"Jeffrey, stop! Stop!" Guy shouted, running out of breath. Despite Guy running out of breath, he mustered enough strength to continue running after Jeffrey.

Both brothers approached the intersection. Jeffrey sprinted across the street while being given the right of way. It's sudden that the signal changed from a person walking to a red opened hand...but Guy didn't pay attention to the signs. Before Guy could bolt into the streets, one of the people near the intersection grabbed Guy by the scruff of the back of his neck, with Guy almost getting hit by a car speeding through the green light given to them.

Guy panted while noticing Jeffrey running non-stop towards the bus station and headed inside. Without hesitation and being given the right of way, Guy bolted into the middle of the street, dodging incoming vehicles coming at him. He heard cars honking but he ignored them and made it across the street. Guy sprinted through the pouring rain to notice Jeffrey getting into the bus in the station quickly.

"Jeffrey!" Guy cried out as he busted through the doors of the bus station and was about to get to the bus until the doors closed on him. The bus immediately drove away from the station. "Jeffrey! Jeffrey, no!!! Jeffrey!!!" Guy pounded on the doors while tears edged out of his eyes.

"Is there a problem, sir?" A lady from the register counter inquired of Guy.

Guy immediately turned to her and stumbled towards the desk, panting, "My brother. He's-he's on this bus! Where is the bus heading?"

"The farthest away from Stovepipe...which should be in Floriana," The lady answered calmly.

"Can you make that bus turn around--?"

"We can't do that, sir."

"Well, can you do something?"

"I'm afraid not, sir. Unless you want to purchase the bus ticket to Floriana but you'll have to wait ten hours for the next bus ride to that place," the lady informed, expressionless.

Guy's panting calmed down while searching in his pockets for brunkels but...there was none. He can't purchase a bus ticket to get Jeffrey back. He sighed heavily while he sauntered out of the bus station gloomily.

Guy's heart shattered into millions of pieces that one stormy night. He failed...he failed to get his brother back...he didn't even chase after Jeffrey after he bolted out of school. He wanted to understand what's going on...but he failed at that too. He failed to comfort his brother since he was always busy putting people above him...now Guy wondered if that's what Jeffrey meant. Maybe what Jeffrey meant was where was Guy when his younger brother was getting shoved into a locker below his. Where was Guy at that moment when he just saw Jeffrey getting pushed around in the school hallways out of the corner of his eyes? What if he stopped those bullies from hurting Jeffrey? Was that why Jeffrey placed the picture of Guy getting all the praise while Jeffrey sat in the dark corner of the room? All of those questions still haunted Guy...all of them were never answered the more he lived without his brother.

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