chapter 30 | Never-ending love

Start from the beginning

7:01 am.

"Have a good day baby," I press my lips on hers for the last time, smiling at each other as I'm now about to leave her office and get ready to work for long hours. "Have a good day too Mister Jeon," she sits down on her chair, teasing me when I wanted to hear a little soft nickname before leaving.

"Uh? What did you say?" I pretend to not have heard her well and walk back to her desk, asking for something else. She giggles but moves up from her seat to give me a kiss on the lips, with her dark red ones. "Have a wonderful day my man that I love to the moon and back," she acts cheesy the way I like her to and offer me the satisfaction I needed. "I love you to the moon and back too my baby girl, see you later," I smile and finally head back to the door, hearing her already getting to work without waiting.

I peek at her one last time, both of our eyes meeting fondly, I talk to her with only a gaze and we both understand each other. I step out with reluctance and close the door, missing her touch, scent, and voice after only short seconds. I force myself to get to my own office while bowing to my employees on the way who always greet me well.

"Mister Jeon," one of them halts me just right when I clasped the handle of the door. I turn around and check up on her. "Yes?"

"Here is the work you asked me to do this weekend," she hands me the pile of papers, ruining my day with already a lot of things to do. "Good, thank you Miss Choi," I take it kindly but enter my room.

"Oh and also," she comes back. "Your secretary...Miss Jeon, she told me that I had to give you the work I did last week but I already provided it to you..."

"It's fine, she must have made a mistake," I find an excuse for my baby girl, knowing the fact that she must not have known about that work I received since I was busy in her office that day. "I have it so don't worry about anything," I reassure her and lay my stuff down on my desk.

"Alright, have a good day Mister Jeon," she bows to me, not having the same effect as my wife when she says it. I do it back a bit blandly and take my jacket off to put it on the back of my chair. Once she finally leaves, I drop my body on my chair and take my phone out.

[ Jiwon just came in my office and told me you asked her to provide the work of last week. I told you I had it baby😅❤ >

< I told her that before the weekend and you only told me about it afterwards! This girl is just trying to get me in trouble...❤ ]

[ It's fine. I'll just have to punish you tonight❤ >

< Oh. Then I don't regret my mistake❤ ]

[ Work bad girl. This isn't the time to tempt me❤ >

< You're the one who started this and texted me when I'm in the room just next to yours❤ ]

[ I have to control myself and not leave my office every second to see my baby's face. Let me have at least some of your words...😟❤ >

< Alright my little boy❤ ]

[ And...I just thought about it...why not calling each other and staying on speaker to never leave each other? Hm? That's a good idea...for my heart to not ache and feel empty without you...🥺❤ >

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