Chapter 53: Luka's decision (what to do?)

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After the Akuma attack, Marinette sits at the table with her parents.

Tom: Hey, sweetie. How was your time with Luka?

Marinette: It was alright. *She felt a little down. *

Tom: Hope you're hungry. It's chicken Parmesan casserole with a vegetable salad.

 It's chicken Parmesan casserole with a vegetable salad

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Sabine: Thank you, dear. *Marinette pushed her salad around and nibbled on the chicken Parmesan around, the parents noticed her looking sad and quiet. * Marinette, is everything okay?

 * Marinette, is everything okay?

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Marinette: I'm fine, mom.

Tom: Is everything okay with Luka?

Marinette: We're fine.

Tom: Okay. If something is troubling you two, you'll tell us, right?

Marinette: Yeah, dad. *She takes a bite of the salad. Tikki took a peek out from the purse and felt bad about what happened. In the houseboat, Luka plays with his guitar, and Plagg floats next to him. *

Plagg: Uh

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Plagg: Uh... Luka, is it?

Luka: Yeah? What's up?

Plagg: Are you and Marinette on good terms?

Luka: Yeah, why do you ask? *He keeps playing the guitar. *


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