Chapter 38: help

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Outside of Master Fu's house, Ladybug de-transform, she feeds Tikki a macaroon and they both go inside and open the door too.

Marinette: Master, my lucky charm told me to come here. Since Cat Noir isn't here, I need some help.

Master Fu: Let's just say I found a new Cat Noir

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Master Fu: Let's just say I found a new Cat Noir.

Marinette: Who is it?

Master Fu: You'll find out soon enough. But now, you need some help. *He got the miracle box out and it opened automatically. * Marinette Dupain-Cheng, pick an ally you can trust because great power, comes from the greater good. Once the job is done, you will return the miraculous back here.

Marinette: Since Cat Noir is out, I'm gonna need more than one Allie on this mission

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Marinette: Since Cat Noir is out, I'm gonna need more than one Allie on this mission. *She nodded yes to that, and looked at the miraculouses. She picked the Fox, the bee, the horse, the snake, and the horse, and reached for the Turtle miraculous. Master Fu takes off the miraculous and hands it to her. * Are you sure using that much will help? *Marinette reaches out to Master Fu's miraculous and he lends it to her. *

Marinette: Don't worry master, these are the allies I can trust. This is the first Akuma happening since Cat Noir isn't here. I need the best ones for this one.

Master Fu: Very well, Marinette. Do you know these specific allies?

Marinette: Yes I do. I'll be back soon. *She gets up and leaves his house. *

Master Fu: I hope she can handle this. *At the city, Anti-love is still turning people into stone and still looking for Marinette. *

Anti-love: Grrr, where is she? How hard is it to find one girl? *Alya and Nino hide behind a building for shelter, Ladybug spots them and she drops down their miraculouses. They looked up at Ladybug and she jumped away, they opened their boxes and Wayzz and Trixx appeared. *

Alya: Let's do this. *She put on the Fox necklace.* Trixx, let's pounce! *She transformed into Rena Rouge. *

Sound of the melody (A Lukanette Story)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora