Chapter 45: the guilt and confession

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{I'm gonna have to fast forward this: 1. The funeral passed and the fake Adrien is buried in the cemetery. 2. Adrien and Lila have been constantly texting and leaving verbal voicemails and phone calls to Marinette in one month, and 3. Marinette's been dealing with the guilt and pressure of telling people the truth, not even her boyfriend.}

A whole month passed and Marinette walked home from school when out of nowhere, Luka appeared behind her, he touched her, and she flinched and stepped back.

Luka: Hey, hey, it's okay. It's me.

Marinette: Luka? I-I thought you were... never mind.

Luka: 'I could tell Marinette is hiding something from me. She's not this happy, sweet, cute girl anymore. She's something else.' Are you sure you're okay? You've been pretty distant lately.

Marinette: It's nothing, Luka.

Luka: Mari, I know you. *He touches her hands and looks at her too. *  Is there something wrong? Just tell me. I'm worried about you. *Suddenly, she felt the guilt inside her. *

Marinette: Can you come inside?

Luka: Of course. *They go up the steps and inside her house. Behind the tree, Lila and Adrien were following her all day and they scowled. *

Lila: Ugh! I warned her!

Lila: Ugh! I warned her!

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Adrien: I got an idea. Hold on. *He got his phone out and made the call again. Inside, her parents are in the bakery and Marinette takes Luka upstairs to her room, soon, her phone rings, and she answers it. *

Marinette: Adrien, stop

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Marinette: Adrien, stop...

Adrien: Don't cut me off. I've had it! I will make you mine if it's... *She hung up instantly and she looked scared. *

Luka: Mari? Are you alright?

Marinette: 'I can't take it anymore!' *She starts to get teary-eyed. * I need to tell somebody this before this haunts me for the rest of my life.

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