Chapter 27: Lukanette over? 🥺

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Up on the deck, Marinette and Luka are talking about their relationship and sneaky Adrien watches them behind the chair.

Luka: What do you wanna talk about?

Marinette: Well before I say what I wanna say to you, Adrien came over today.

Marinette: Well before I say what I wanna say to you, Adrien came over today

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Luka: What did he do to you?

Marinette: He was trying to apologize.

Luka: Did you accept it?

Marinette: No. He has to apologize to you too.

Luka: (confused) Why would he want to apologize to me?

Adrien: Yeah, why would I?

Luka: Marinette, he's dangerous to you. Did you give you anything?

Marinette: He gave me flowers, chocolate, and a card.

Luka: Sounds like he's trying to say he loves you rather than trying to apologize to you

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Luka: Sounds like he's trying to say he loves you rather than trying to apologize to you.

Adrien: That's right and I'll do it again. *Plagg rolled his eyes in annoyance. *

Marinette: I think... I think we should break up.

Luka: Why would you say that?

Marinette: This whole Adrien thing. Do you think so?

Luka: No.

Adrien: Yes! Time to scare her a little bit.

Plagg: What are you gonna do?

Adrien: Send her threatening messages. *He started texting her right now and he sent it to her.* Let's see her reaction. *Soon, her phone buzzed and she looked at her phone and it was a message from him. *


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Sound of the melody (A Lukanette Story)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora