Chapter 33: Truth about Master Fu

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The next day, the news is on.

Nadja Chamack: Don't be amused, it's just the news. Local teen model Adrien Agreste died in the hospital from falling off the balcony late at night.

 Local teen model Adrien Agreste died in the hospital from falling off the balcony late at night

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Sabine: Oh my.

Tom: I can just imagine how Gabriel is feeling right now.

Sabine: He lost his wife and now, his son.

Tom: I better check on Marinette. *He goes upstairs to her room. In her room, Marinette FaceTimed Alya. *

Alya: You're worried about all of this?

Marinette: No, I'm not.

Alya: Girl, why didn't you tell me he's been doing this?

Marinette: I thought you would figure that out about now.

Alya: Oh yeah, forgot about that. But... he's gone.

Marinette: I know. Can't believe it. *Soon, Tom opened the trapdoor.* Gotta go. *She hung up and looked at her dad. *

Tom: Hey sweetie. You okay?

Marinette: Yeah.

Tom: Well the news said that Adrien died in the hospital.

Marinette: Huh, it's bad.

Tom: If you need anything, let us know.

Marinette: Okay. *Tom leaves her bedroom. And Marinette's phone beeped. It's a message from Luka. *

💙- hey

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💙- hey. You okay?


💙- I still have his miraculous. What should I do with it?

💖- We'll have to go to Master Fu for this.

💙- Who's that?

💖- I'll take you to him. Meet me at the park, I'll explain everything.

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