Chapter 2: Ice skating

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The next day, Marinette and Luka are going ice staking. Hopefully, this will help her move on from Adrien. But the one thing she didn't know, Adrien and Kagami were there too. Once they walked in, Adrien spotted them and he waved to them, but Marinette didn't wave back, he looked confused.

Kagami: Why didn't you tell me you invited them?

Kagami: Why didn't you tell me you invited them?

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Adrien: I didn't invite them. They must've come by themselves. *He sees them putting on skates. Luka helps Marinette tie her laces up and he ties his skates. * I'll be right back. *He sits next to Marinette.* Marinette, why did you and Luka come here together? You're not dating or anything?

Marinette: No, we're not. I just asked him if he was free yesterday, so I suggested coming here. Is that a problem?

Adrien: N-n-no, no problem. Just asking.

Marinette: Okay, then? Well, better head out. *She held Luka's hand and they both skated on the ice, he looked at them and he has a strange feeling in his gut.*

Kagami: If you're done staring at them, can we go on the ice now?

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Kagami: If you're done staring at them, can we go on the ice now?

Kagami: If you're done staring at them, can we go on the ice now?

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Adrien: Huh? *He snapped out of it.* Sorry, Sorry. Let's go. *He and Kagami go on the ice too. Plagg noticed something strange about Adrien, he started to smirk a little bit.*

Soon, on the ice, Luka spins Marinette a little bit and does a figure 8 trick. Marinette clapped and laughed.

Marinette: Can you teach me how to do it?

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Marinette: Can you teach me how to do it?

Luka: Sure. *He helped on the figure 8 move.* There you go.

Marinette: That was easy. *Adrien watched them having fun, he started to feel, a bit jealous of them. Without paying attention, he bumped into Kagami and they hit the ice.*

Kagami: Owww! Watch where you're going, will ya?

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Kagami: Owww! Watch where you're going, will ya?

Adrien: Sorry, I...

Kagami: Forget it, I'm going home. *She skates out of the rink.*

Adrien: Kagami, wait! I'm sorry! *Marinette and Luka watched what happened?*

Luka: Should we help them?

Marinette: I'm sure they'll work it out. *They keep skating some more.*

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