Connie's Parents

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(Note: For ease of writing and reading, when dealing with Stevonnie's thoughts, if it is Steven it will be in bold, if it is from Connie it will be written in italics. If it is mutual, it will be written normally.)
Hopping in the Dondi, Stevonnie sped off to Connie's house.
"I'm so exited we are going to go to college together!"
"Not so fast, we still need my parents approval"
"I'm sure we can convince your parents"
"They aren't always keen with all the magical stuff we do"
    Pulling into the driveway Stevonnie stepped out of the car and rapped upon the door. Dr. Maheswaran opened the door.
    "Hello, what is your name and... STEVEN! Why do you look like that! Where is Connie!"
    "Calm down Dr Maheswaran, everything is fine. You might want to take a seat though, bit of a long story. May I come in?" replied Stevonnie. Dr. Maheswaran allowed them inside as they began to catch her up to speed.
    "So do you remember when you met the gems for the first time, how they were all fused together" Stevonnie began.
    "Yes..."responded Dr. Maheswaran, not realizing how that was relevant.
    "Well you see... Steven and Connie can fuse. We have done it a few times before, but not very often, well we fused because-" Stevonnie began before being cut off.
    "Wait; you FUSED! That is incredibly inappropriate! Unfuse right now!" She shouted.
    "Fusion isn't inappropriate, it just a physical manifestation of a bond. Not necessarily a romantic bond... I mean, it can be but.., Gah! It's hard to explain, I wish Garnet was here, she could explain this a lot better" Stevonnie explained. Just as her haphazard explanation concluded, the door opened up.
    Garnet stepped inside and picked up the slack with Stevonnie's explanation. "Fusion is a bond of any type be it romantic, platonic, or something else entirely. The components become one entity but they are not one person or two people. Also there name is Stevonnie and they are going to go to school together as one student."
    Dr. Maheswaran, who had been trying to interject for a while, finally got a chance to speak. "No, no, no, no, no. I won't allow it"
    "Let me show you something" said Garnet walking forward. She kissed Dr. Maheswaran on the forehead, much to everyone else's surprise. Dr. Maheswaran then, begrudgingly allowed Stevonnie to go as one student, which was even more surprising.
    "How did you..." Stevonnie began.
     "Future vision" Garnet interrupted.

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