Chapter 8

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Dedication: Sweetcarolline for being a fan!

Song: What doesn't kill you makes you stronger by Kelly Clarkson

Pic: What Teagan wears to college xx


Teagan's POV

Why do I feel like this? Liam and I got back Together? well kind of because we weren't together. I hear a knock at the door. I know it's Taylor. We both go upstairs because mum and Lexi should be back soon. She hugs me. "Tell me everything that's happened" she says. I tell her what happened "Well, why aren't you happy"

"I don't know!"

"You and Liam got back together"

"Yeah but"

"but what? but nothing" She says. It may seem likes she's being tight or mean but it's what I need right now "You are going on a date with the 77th sexiest man of 2012! I know what you need! we're going on a run!" The run actually helps clear my head and I feel so much better. Engergised. 5 minutes after we get back Mum and Lexi get back.

"Everything go okay then, with you know who" mum asks

"Yeah, fine couldn't be better!" I reply

"Whose You know who?" Lexi asks

"None of your business"

"Is it your boyfriend"

"might be"

"Who! anyone I know?"


"Oh" Me and Taylor laughed as she walked upstairs. Mum walks back into the room.

"Tell me really what happened"

"We had a talk and then he invited me on another date and then he left I had a breakdown on the floor so I rang Taylor and she cheered me up! and that's it in a nutshell" She can sense I don't want to talk about it.

"You're a good kid, you know" My mum says to Taylor. She just kinda does a smile. Me and Taylor both finish off some course work we had to do and then it's quite late so Taylor goes home.


I get ready for school. I just go casual today i wouldn't want to draw anymore attention to myself than I already have. I get on the bus which I always meet Taylor on but today she isn't on it which is wierd. When I get off the bus I go to class as I'm nearly late and Taylor is there. She must have got the earlier bus. I am walking over to her when Stephanie come over. Me and Stephanie never ever ever speak, I despise her. She has bleach blond hair, blue eyes (which are contact lenses), Loads of make up and two girls who always follow her around. Cliché I know!

"Hey, Tea how we doing"

"Fine" I say trying to get to my seat but she won't let me past

"Have a fun weekend?"

"Yeah, I guess so" I now know she's seen the pictures

"How is Liam, Is he okay?" She says trying to put on a caring tone

"Yeah fine"

"Can you give him this?" She hands me a piece of paper, it has her number on it.

"No!" I say trying to get to my seat

"What did you just say?" she says getting aggressive

"No!" I say back. I'm not standing up with her shit.

"Why are you going out"

"What's it got to do with you!" I push past her sitting down in my seat next to Taylor.

"Calm down Tea" she says. She's such a good friend


Okay so comment/share/vote/fan xx TeaLi or Touis xx Thanks for reading!! Don't be a silent reader! I want to know what you think or any ideas on what could happen :) Much Love xx Leah xx

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