Chapter 16 ~ Interview

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Hey everyone! It's the holidays, well for a week! Is everyone excited for the 1D3D Movie, I am! Hope you enjoy this chapter






Teagan's Pov

Whilst sitting on a nearby bench the reporter introduces her self as Kayleigh. She seems very nice. I think she is around 20 or 21, she has brown hair and hazel eyes.

"Hi, it's really nice to meet you" Liam says

"It's a pleasure to meet you too" Kayleigh smiles "I'm a massive fan"

"Thank you! So what question do you want to ask us?" Liam asks putting his arm around me

"Well, sweetie," she turns towards me "What's your name?"

"Teagan McCarthy"

"And how old are you"


"Are you both a couple? in love"

"Yes we are" Liam says grabbing hold of my hand

"and is this your first date?"

"No it isn't actually it's our third or fourth"

"So, Teagan, are you living with the rest of the boys in London?"

"Yes and with Niall's girlfriend, Elyse"

"How are you finding it? Living with five boys?"

"It's not as bad as you think but they can be crazy at times" I laugh

"What do the boys think of Teagan moving in, Liam?"

"They're fine with it! They could live with anyone!" Liam says

"So Teagan apart from Liam who is your favourite member of the band to live with"

"I think umm.. well they're all great to live with but I'd probably say Louis" I say thinking of the night in the taxi after Niall's birthday party.

"Has there been any conflict yet, like does one of the have feelings for you"

"I don't think any of the boys have feelings for me but if they did that would be really awkward and I wouldn't want to split up the band or anything" I say feeling at unease with the question.

"We're you a fan of One Direction before you met Liam?"

"No, I wasn't but obviously I had heard of them because my sister, Lexi, was a big fan!"

"How did the two of you meet?"

"Well it's a long story" I say

"Well I've got a lot of time!"

"Um shall I tell her babe?" Liam asks

"Yes if you want"

"Well I was running away from screaming fans and ended up on Tea's street. It was pouring with rain and she invited me in"

"aww I wish that would happen for me!"

"Why are you single?" I ask

"Yes, forever alone" She replies with hopeful laughter.

"Well I could sort something out for you if you wanted?" Liam tells her

"REALLY" She is very shocked

"Yes, I have a friend who is single and I think he needs someone like you" Liam compliments

"Ohmygosh WHO!"

"Louis William Tomlinson"

"really!" she says in disbelief

"Yes! Just give me your number and I'll give it to him tonight"

"really!" she scribbles on a piece of paper "Here you go!"

"Okay we're gonna go now, It's kinda dark"

"Okay, Thanks for the interview it was nice to meet you"

"Nice to meet you too" I wave back. We hop into the car and the engine starts

"What will Louis say?" I ask

"I really don't know but he looks like he could do with some female company so I suppose it's worth a try!"

"I know about Eleanor" I blurt out.

"Who told you?"


"Oh, well yeah, that was 8 months ago"

"but Liam, he still might not be ready"

"well the worst he could say is no"

"what about Kayleigh?" I say, he falls silent and we arrive home. Walking in to the living room filled with Niall and Harry, Liam says

"Hey everyone where's Louis?"

"Kitchen with Zayn" Harry replies

"cool" Liam replies and we walk, apprehensively, into the kitchen. Louis is washing up and Zayn is just stood there being... Zayn

"Hey boii's" I say sitting on the counter

"We've got a surprise for you" Liam sings, somehow I feel it will definately be a surprise.

"Woo!" says Zayn

"Not you Zayn, for Lou"

"Me" Louis turns around

"Yeah, you" Liam says "Here" he hands him the piece of paper with the number on. he looks confused for a second

"Why would I want this?" he asks

"It's a girls number" 

"I can't" He say immediately after

"Hey Lou, this could be a good thing?" Zayn says with his relaxed attitude


"I dunno she could be the girl of your dreams"

"Doubt it but I'll ring her anyway"





So what do you think? Did you like it? I think the story is missing somebody... Taylor!! ... How would you feel if she came back? Please Fan, Vote and Comment. DON'T BE A SILENT READER... I want to know what you think of my story guys even if you think its the worst in the world, but please say why!

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