Chapter 7

217 4 4

Song: Run by Snow Patrol

Dedication: hollister_xx for being an amazing writer


Teagan's POV

I don't feel like socializing today but my mum invites Taylor around so I have no choice. I stay in my pyjamas and she just comes into my room. She understands as well. I'm telling her everything which happened when my phone rings. It's Liam I choose to ignore it. I look at my phone after it's finished ringing. Wow 56 missed calls 25 new messages and 42 new voice mails.

"I think you should ring him" Taylor advises

"No not yet, i'm not strong enough, I'll listen to the voice mails"

*Message 1*

"Hey Teagan can you ring me back when you get this"

*Message 2*

"Teagan, We need to talk."

*Message 3*

"Look, I'm sorry, ring me"

*Message 16*

"Teagan, I know I've been a prick and I want to change that. You don't need to forgive me.. just ring me"

*Message 25*

He is crying now "Teagan, I know we will never be able to make a go of it but I love you, and i just want to know you're okay and you haven't done anything stupid"

*Message 42* (the last one)

He doesn't know it's on answerphone he is crying in the background and says to someone, Harry I think, "I've lost her"

I look at Taylor and she gives me the 'You know what to do look' so I pick up my phone but Lexi bursts in.

"You went out with Liam last night" She states

"No..." I Lie

"You did I have a pictures"

"Okay show me them all" I knew paparazzi was there but I didn't think anything about it. Luckily the only pictures are of us walking in not going out.

"Right, okay Lexi go now" I usher her out my room. I close the door take a deep breath and grab my phone. Taylor gives me the 'you're doing the right thing nod'. I dial the number.

"Teagan" Liam's wobbly voice says

"Liam" I say quietly

"Teagan, I'm so sorry, I can explain well I can't but I just want you to know I'm sorry, I love you and I care about you and.."

"shh.." I quietly interrupt "come around to mine"

"Really" He says brightening up

"Really" I say back in a comforting tone.

"Okay, I'll be round as soon as possible". I hang up the phone and start crying and Taylor comforts me. I tell her she has to go because it will be best if me and Liam are alone. I get dressed and wash my face but you can still tell I've been crying. I go downstairs and ask mum to take Lexi out shopping so me and Liam can be alone to talk. It takes Liam about 20 minutes to come. He knocks at the door. I open the door. He looks ill, he is pale with red eyes.

"Come in" I say. He sits at the table "Do you want a drink"

"No, thanks" His voice is dry and sounds like he's done a lot of crying. I sit across the table from him and for a few seconds we just stare into each others eyes

"I'm sorry, I never wanted to hurt you, Louis told me about you crying" He starts off

"I wasn't crying about that I was crying about something else, It's just that last night made me think of him"

"Of who?" Liam asks. I take off my locket from underneath my shirt and give it to Liam. He opens it. Tears fill my eyes

"My dad"

"Why? What happened?" I tell him the story

"Oh my god Tea" We are both crying right now

"So that's the reason why I was crying last night and the reason why I don't drink"

"Tea, I didn't realise I'm so sorry"

"It's okay you didn't know"

"I need to pay you back let me take you out for dinner"

"Okay when?"

"Next wednesday, I can't do anything sooner, band stuff"


"Well I'll set off then" We both get up. He gives me and hug but I hold on for longer because I don't want it to end but it does end and I find my self in a mess on the floor I don't know whether to be happy or sad so I give Taylor a call.


Quite an emotional chapter I think so please leave your comments because i worked hard on it. Vote and fan me! TeaLi or Touis xx Leah x  

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