Chapter 2

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*Liam's POV*

Wow I can't actually believe my luck. I think me finding Teagan is a sign. I got into the shower. She is so kind and pretty. The way her curly brown hair just touches her shoulders and her big brown eyes. She wasn't pretty she's beautiful. 

Meanwhile downstairs *Teagan’s POV * 

"Why did you do that?" Lexi complained 

"Do what?" I ask obliviously 

"Show me up like that infront of Liam"

 "I didn’t show you up and anyway he laughed" 

"Yeah laughed at me!" making him sound like he was the most important person on earth 

"He’s just a normal boy and he probably wants to be treated like that not like best thing in the world!" 

"But he is!" 

"He's in a band" I say raising an eyebrow 

"Yeah, one of the best bands ever" 

“I don't think so"

"Oh yeah who is"

"Look Lexi we're not having this argument again! We both like different music okay!" 

"Okay,” she agrees “but you didn't have to show me up just because you like him" 

"Lexi, I don't like him" I lied

"You do, you've been quiet and not speaking all day like usual and when Liam got here you brightened up"

"We've only just met"

"Love at first sight" we heard footsteps coming down the stairs so we decided to stop the conversation and decent the kitchen. I place the sandwich on the table. 

"Ham and mayo okay?" I ask him 

"Delicious" his eyes light up "Is it okay if I just go and ring the boys so they can pick me up?"

"Yeah go ahead" Lexi says. Liam gets his phone and walks into the kitchen. Lexi has the biggest smile on her face "I'm going to meet the boys" she exclaims 

After a few minutes Liam walks back in 

"They should be here in about 20 minutes. You guys don't understand how much I appreciate you doing this. So what could I do for you?" Liam says taking a bite of his sandwich. 

"You could follow us on twitter?"  Lexi Suggests 

"Okay.” he gets out his phone an Lexi tells him all of her twitter accounts and he actually follows them all 

"Do you have twitter?" he turns to me 

"Yeah" I say and give him my twitter name

"So how did you exactly get here" Lexi asks

"Lexi, don't ask that it could be personal" I say giving her a stern look. Liam laughs 

"No it's fine, I was being chased by some screaming girls" 

"Really, I bet you get that a lot well considering you’re in a band and everything" Lexi says in a sympathetic tone. I roll my eyes and carry on my drawing which I was doing before Liam got here. I can see him in studying me through the corner of his eye.

"Wow, you're an amazing drawer" 

"Thanks" I smile 

"No you're really good. Is it of Lexi"

"Yeah, it's just a sketch" 

"Just a sketch! Wish I could draw like you. You should become an artist!"

"No it's not for me I would hate to be all alone in a room just drawing all day. I hate being alone"

"Well why are you incredibly shy then." Lexi makes a snide comment 

"Just because I'm shy doesn't mean I don't like being around people. Not everyone’s an outgoing loudmouth like you" I realise I probably said that too loud by the look on Liam's face. 

"Beep beep" a car horn sounds from outside. Some boys come running out of the car and I let them in. I presume they're Liam's band mates. There are four of them. The first one is blonde and Irish 

"Hiya" He says heading for the rest of Liam's sandwich I made. Then a black haired one enters 

"Hiya, I'm Zayn Malik" then a curly haired one with the cutest dimples 

"Hi, I'm Harry" then the last one bounces in like he's had a sugar rush

"And I'm Louis" he shouts and we all laugh. I turn to the blonde haired one 

"Sorry what's your name?"

"Oh sorry I'm Niall" he winks at me 

"Well I better go then guys. Thanks so much!" Liam thanks us 

"Our pleasure" he gives me and Lexi a hug and they go Niall taking the sandwich 


Thanks for reading this chapter and feel free to comment on it and if you think it's good and any ideas for the next one. Leah xx  

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