Chapter XIV

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Walking inside the Chauhan mansion, Anamika greeted Kusumlata, who was busy watching some religious show. Ira was busy painting her toe nails while Kasturi was sipping on a hot steaming cup of tea.

Upon seeing her, Ira said, "Anamika I'm really sorry, I tried really hard to find that earring of yours but couldn't."

Shaking her head and pasting an aloof smile on her enchanting face. Anamika spoke assuringly, "Ugh! Don't fret over it, Di. I'll just buy myself a new pair."

"Did you and Advay had study plans?" Kasturi implored curiously when she saw books in Anamika's hands.

Anamika looked down at the short pile of the books she held in her hands. A look of something akin to guilt marred her face and she started biting on her luscious pink lips nervously.

"No – No, aunty. They're just some books Advay had asked for. Is he not at home?" she muttered uneasily.

"Yes, father and the boys had gone somewhere." Ira provided. And Anamika decided not to probe unnecessarily.

"When will Advay come home." She asked.

"I don't know beta. But they said that they've left for home when we last talked." Kasturi spoke softly.

"And that was exactly fifteen minutes ago. So, they will be here any now and then." Ira answered and went back to take care of her toenails.

Sensing a good opportunity Anamika told Kasturi that she'll just go and drop those books in Advay's room. Quickly ascending the stairs Anamika did for what she had come here for.

After some time, she came downstairs in the living room. Bidding farewell to the ladies of the house, she made her way outside. All the while pleased with herself for having achieved the impossible.

Advay and Rudra hadn't muttered a word about yesterday's incident in their house. Anamika could assert from their happy and aloof behaviour or else they would have been pestering and pampering her over it.

As far as Eklavya was concerned, it wasn't in his nature to share things with anyone. She doubted if he ever trusted his own shadow with his secrets.

She felt a sudden pang of guilt in her heart. She had not lied about Advay, asking for books but she felt guilty about the secret excursion she had made just under their nose.

Anamika heard a car pulling into the driveway. It was Vikrant's car. Suddenly the ladies jumped and screamed in excitement almost giving a frightening heart attack to Anamika.

She heard Kusumlata grandma yelling in the background, reprimanding both Ira and Kasturi aunty to start acting like their age.

Anamika couldn't decipher what was happening around her. In Ira's case, she totally understood that children tend to get over-excited when their father comes home from office. But what was Kasturi aunty so excited about.

She still remembers the days when her father would come home late from office. And she always waited for him, just so that she could greet him first when he come inside.

Vikrant uncle stepped out of the four-wheeler, with Rudra and Advay in tow. But if they all were together than where was Eklavya?

Kasturi aunty strolled out of the door with a pooja thal in her hands. While Kusumlata grandma also trudged forward slowly. Anamika greeted Vikrant who smiled at her warmly.

"Anu you here! Great I need to show you something." Advay exclaimed enthusiastically.

Anamika shook her head and answered with a smile, "I was just leaving. I came here to give you the books that you'd asked for."

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