Chapter XLVI

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Donning his glasses, Vikrant was submerged in the files he’d brought with him from his office. Most of them were sales receivables and he only needed to match them before verifying any of it. He had been at it for about an hour or so.

Kasturi looked at her husband with narrowed eyes. She could never get used to him bringing his office home. ‘Why did he even marry me? Maa should’ve wedded her son to his office! That way I would’ve been free of this boring and unromantic man!!’

“Can you pass me the file in green, Kasturi?” Vikrant muttered without lifting his eyes off the documents and stretched his hand.

Soon after the said file was in his hands and he quickly started going through it. Vikrant only paused when Kasturi stood in front of him with both hands on her waist and a grim look donning her ever effervescent face.

Cocking a brow Vikrant looked at her curiously and said, “You realise you suck at looking intimidating with that cute face,” Kasturi’s face scrunched up in vexation further at that.

Keeping the file aside Vikrant reached for her small hands and pulled on it making her sit beside him, “What did I do now?” he asked, knowing just like always it must’ve been his fault this time around too.

“That’s the problem!! You don’t do anything at all?” hissed Kasturi at her husband in annoyance.

Vikrant was at a loss now. Did that even make sense? As far as he can remember he’s been doing everything she asks for since the day they got hitched. Hell! He’s been making her bedtime tea every single morning without fail from the past twenty-four years.

Much to the annoyance of his late father, who strongly disapproved of any such behaviour. Because according to him a man had certain duties towards his wife and making her tea wasn’t certainly one of them.

Sighing Vikrant pulled his dear wife towards him, engulfing her petite form in a warm hug, “My lovely Kasturi, will you tell me now where I erred this time?” he whispered in her ears.

Kasturi tickled pink at his sweet gesture and find herself unable to hold on to her exasperation any longer and so she didn’t and said, “Where did we go for a vacation as a family last time?”

“Sikkim,” he immediately answered,

“Hmm… and when was it?” she asked further, looking at him with her face resting on his broad chest.

“Some two-three years back,” Vikrant said and instantly grasped what this was about. Casting her a guilty look he said, “I’ve been indulged in too much work for a long time, haven’t I?”

“It’s not that I don’t know you were busy, especially with Eklavya and Rudra’s custody case and getting a well-deserved promotion too. Along with our last months which proved to be quite eventful. It’s just… it’s been so long and I felt like we all needed a little break from our banal routine.” Kasturi heaved a wistful sigh, caving into her husband’s arms a little more.

“You’re right. I’ll think about it. Before that, you tell me, do you have any suggestions where should we go?” said Vikrant. Of course! He knew his wife and also know she wouldn’t have raised the topic if she hadn’t already decided on the place.

Kasturi beamed at him, her lips curling in an infectious smile and Vikrant found himself smiling seeing her smile so brightly. “Oh, I have!!! You know…”

And just like that the couple fell into an easy conversation, talking about their children and many other things. Only falling asleep in the late hours of the night.


Anamika hissed as the pointed needle pricked her forefinger. Poor girl had been at it for an hour or so and had already lost the number of times her thumb and forefinger were bruised painfully.

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