Chapter XL

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The gentle and loving caress on his head roused Eklavya from his light slumber. He knew the touch, had memorized it. Her familiar fragrance soothed the burning in his heart as tranquillity enclosed him.

He knew her. How could he not?! Even if he had his eyes closed, he could easily recognize her touch. It was as simple as that.

Flitting his dark orbs open, Eklavya became the witness to the most enchanting sight ever. Seeing her face, he felt relaxed and a sigh escaped his parched lips.

Her face was contorted into mixed emotions varying from worry, care, relief, adulation, and... inexplicable amount of love; and her brown soulful eyes conveyed to him what all she felt for him.

Her hand, still combing through his wild mane, had an assuasive effect on him, working like magic. Euphoria, he felt!

But soon this sense of peace was ruffled up when he gained back control of his senses. Averting his eyes from her mesmerizing face, Eklavya said dismissively, "What are you doing here? Go back home."

His harsh words fazed her the least because she'd already predicted he would act like that when she went to meet him. So, Anamika had prepped herself to not feel hurt. Because she understood it was his defense mechanism.

He didn't want to expose his susceptible self to her. Or to anyone in the world. Of course, his family was an exception because they were insiders. So, ignoring his words, Anamika continued caressing his forehead before she finally entwined their hands, one more time.

"The principal called out your name in the assembly three-four times last day. Your class teacher looked seriously miffed from the way he was glaring daggers at your nonchalant brother. I guess you'll have to hear the music from him once you return to school.

Oh! and also, I'm going to the doctor today. You remember he asked me to come and check if the bone has healed completely or not before taking the cast off. So, I'm going today with maa and grandpa." She cheerily finished her monologue, twinkling back her shining eyes at his peeved visage.

Sharpening his gaze, Eklavya glared hard at her and said, "I'll not repeat myself Anamika. GO BACK HOME." He said, emphasizing the last part.

Anamika chuckled lightly as if he'd cracked a fabulous joke, once again ignoring his brusque words, much to the chagrin of Eklavya who could do nothing but glower at her.

"Exactly. That's the point naa!" Anamika quipped convivially and continued, "You want me to stay away. I know. And I cannot stay away, that you should also know."

Sucking in a sharp breath, a futile attempt to curb his vexation, Eklavya said, "You're still in uniform. What have you told at home?"

He changed the topic, knowing that she won't be going anywhere. Not this soon. Anamika grimaced at his question. She was not proud of the fact that she'd lied to her family just so she could come and see him with her own eyes.

Yesterday, she couldn't muster up enough courage to see him wounded up so badly. But soon she realized her folly when she was not able to get an ounce of sleep and kept tossing and turning in her sheets.

"According to my family, I'm at Iqra's home; group studying," Anamika revealed to him in a meek voice.

Eklavya stared at her intently, as she fidgeted in her place; intimidated. She could clearly hear that he was displeased with the fact that she lied to her family, in his silence.

Clicking his tongue, Eklavya was about to say something scathing but curbed his strong emotions when he saw her fair features clearly painted with guilt.

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