"I hope you're not threatening my Clan." Foxstar's voice was cold and sharp, he didn't seem too phased by Elmstar's threat.

"And if I am?" Elmstar bared his teeth.

"Then you'll regret it." Foxstar's voice was dangerous. "You are a young leader, since you have nine lives you think you can do whatever you want. You think you can win any battle or fight any war. If you think like that then your nine lives will be gone before you can blink." Foxstar jumped down from his tree, casting one final look at Elmstar. "If you try and fight me and my Clan you will lose, Elmstar. SunClan! We're leaving!"

"Run away, Foxstar!" Elmstar taunted. "I'll see you on the battlefield! I won't lose!"

"You're insane, Elmstar." Cloudstar growled.

"No, Cloudstar. I'm a fearless leader who will drive LichenClan into a life of victory!"

"MoonClan, let's go." Cloudstar jumped down. "You've gone mad, Elmstar. Don't involve us with your insanity." Crowsky uncomfortably walked away from Elmstar and the rest of the gathering.

"What are we supposed to do about that?" Shadowpelt demanded once MoonClan returned to their camp.

"We well enforce our borders and be wary, but otherwise we will not be stepping in." Cloudstar explained. "If Elmstar fights SunClan he will lose, they are a large and powerful Clan and Foxstar will guide his Clan to victory. I'm not risking MoonClan lives when we are already facing sickness, I made that mistake before, I won't make it again."

Once Cloudstar finished speaking, she broke off into a violent coughing fit. Once she finished, her body trembled. Badgerstripe ran to her side. "I told you not to go tonight." He sighed. "Come on, let's go to your den."

"Crowsky," Cloudstar spoke his name bodly. "Please, come with me. I need to speak with my deputy."

Crowsky looked to Bagderstripe who gave him a confirming nod and Crowsky followed his leader and medicine cat to the leader's den where Cloudstar curled up in her nest. "You are mousebrained, Cloudstar." Bagderstripe sighed. "You need rest, not to venture out and sit in the cold all night!"

"I'm sorry, Badgerstripe." Cloudstar rested her chin on her paws.

"I'm going to get you some herbs." Badgerstripe brushed past Crowsky out of the den.

"What did you want to talk about?" Crowsky questioned, sitting before his leader whose eyes were starting to close. "Is it about Elmstar."

"No," She opened her eyes half-way. "I'm feeling my life slip away from me, and this is my final one." Crowsky's heart twisted. "You will have to take over caring for the Clan when I am gone, but I know you will do great."

"Cloudstar I--"

Cloudstar weakly lifted her tail to silence him. "I knew you would be leading this Clan after I chose you, when I was made leader Owlstar showed me a vision. A dark cloud covered MoonClan when suddenly a crow tore through the cloud, clearing MoonClan of darkness. I made many mistakes, but leaving MoonClan in your paws is not one of them. You've struggled so much, and yet you came out as a brave and noble warrior."

Crowstar could see how exhausted Cloudstar was, she really shouldn't have gone to the gathering tonight. "I'll leave you to rest, Cloudstar." Crowstar rested his muzzle on Cloudstar's forehead. "Sleep well."

"Thank you for your service, Crowsky." Cloudstar breathed out. Crowsky left her den and met Badgerstripe outside.

"Is she--"

Crowsky shook his head. "But she's not far off, the stars are waiting for her."

"Are you ready to lead this Clan?" Badgerstripe questioned.

"I'm not sure," Crowsky looked up towards the stars. "But I know I'll have plenty of cats to support me."

"Of course." Badgestripe nodded. "I'm going to go see Cloudstar, we'll see what comes in the morning."

Crowsky bid Badgerstripe farewell and returned to the medicine cat den. Frostfire was waiting for him. "What's going on with Cloudstar? Is she okay?" Crowsky didn't want to worry his mate or any of his Clanmates, he curled up beside Frostfire and began rasping his tongue over her ears.

"We'll see tomorrow, for now we need to rest."

Crowsky woke up the next morning and could feel the grief filling the air, he knew what had happened as Badgerstripe faced his Clanmates. "Cloudstar was an amazing leader, despite the battles she may have led. In her final days, Cloudstar was a wonderful leader who I am proud to have served under."

The MoonClan cats turned around, resting their eyes on Crowsky. They're expecting me to say something. He cleared his throat and raised his voice. "When I left this Clan, I never thought I would become a warrior let alone leader, but I'm happy I returned. My life has never been better, and it's been an honor to know Cloudstar in her final days. I know I speak for the whole Clan when I say that she will be dearly missed. I hope that I can live up to her legacy once I begin my leadership over MoonClan."

"You will be a great leader." Rainypelt purred.

"I'll be happy to serve under you." Badgerstripe added.

The cats of MoonClan cheered for Crowsky, and he could feel their support flowing through his blood. I can do this. I can be their leader.

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