Chapter 9

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 Crowpaw's steps were heavy, his heart ached and he could barely walk. He leaned against Silverpool while Ivystone and Stonefoot carried Blacksky's body behind him. He couldn't bring himself to look at his father's dead body. The only images in his head were Blacksky's bleeding wound and the look on Elmpaw's face as he murdered Crowpaw's father. I swear, Elmpaw. You will regret this day, the day you took my father away.

Silverpool stayed at Crowpaw's side as they walked back to camp, Crowpaw relied on her for support. Part of him wanted to run away and never come back, he wanted to wake up and find that this had all just been a bad dream, but the pain in his heart and across his body reminded him that it was all too real.

MoonClan camp was nearing them, Crowpaw didn't want to face his mother. Would Riverlight even care? He closed his eyes, not ready to face her or what she would say to him. They neared camp and were greeted by Cloudwind, her eyes instantly going to Blacksky's body and filling with sadness.

"LichenClan denied crossing the border." Ashbird explained. "And then they attacked when I defend the Clan. Blacksky died in the fight."

"I want all of you to go get your wounds treated by Skyclaw." Cloudwind instructed, Crowpaw could feel her eyes on him but ignored them.

"Let's go get your wounds treated, Crowpaw." Silverpool said quietly into his ear. "Afterwards you can rest."

Crowpaw didn't complain or say anything, he just walked with Silverpool towards the medicine cat den.

"What in the name of StarClan happened?" Crowpaw winced as he heard the sharp voice of Riverlight. Crowpaw opened his eyes to face his mother whose blue eyes burned with anger. "How did Blacksky die?"

"We fought with LichenClan--" Silverpool began explaining.

"I didn't ask you." Riverlight spat venom, Crowpaw knew her gaze was directed towards him. "Weren't you fighting with him? How could you let him die!?"

Her words cut into him, sharper than any claw could. Crowpaw winced and stepped back. It's not my fault! I didn't kill him! The thoughts tormented him, but he couldn't speak them.

"You killed your own father, Crowpaw! I know you never should've been born! Your sister died and now your father is dead!" Riverlight continued to yell, her voice trembling with anger.

"That is enough, Riverlight!" Silverpool stepped in front of Crowpaw, he closed his eyes and wanted to run. "This is your son you're talking to! A son you don't deserve!"

"You think I care what you think, Silverpool?" Riverlight hissed.

"No, and you shouldn't. You are a horrible she-cat and you don't deserve Crowpaw and you didn't deserve Blacksky! Blacksky died defending his son whom he loved more than anything in this forest!" Crowpaw looked up at Silverpool, shocked at the look in her eyes. "And if you won't accept Crowpaw as your son then I will!"

"You can have him! He only brings death wherever he goes! I want nothing to do with him!" Riverlight spat and turned away, stomping towards the warrior den with a cry of anger. Crowpaw trembled, feeling as if he had just fought a whole other battle.

"Come on, Crowpaw." Silverpool nudged him towards the medicine cat den. "I'm here for you."

Crowpaw sat in silence as Skyclaw treated his wounds, all the cats of MoonClan were giving him sympathy filled looks. Something he didn't want to see, their gazes hurt him even further, he wished he could just hide. Away from the hateful glare of his mother and the pitiful gazes of his Clanmates. Why can't they just leave me be.

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