Chapter 34

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"I'm so excited!" Smallkit squealed running in circles around Crowsky, Driftwater and Silverpool. "We're finally going to be apprentices!"

"Not if you don't smooth down your pelt!" Silverpool pulled in son in closer, rasping her tongue across his spiky pelt. "Behave yourself, Smallkit."

"But I can hardly contain myself!" Smallkit broke away from his mother, turning in circles. "I'm going to be an apprentice! Who is my mentor going to be? I hope it's you Crowsky!"

Crowsky couldn't help but purr. "I doubt that, I've only been a warrior for a moon. There's plenty more warriors worthy of being your mentor."

"Well, whoever it is," Smallkit flicked his tail. "I want them to be awesome!"

"You'll respect your mentor whoever it is." Driftwater chimed in.

"I know, I know." Smallkit snorted then turned to his much calmer sister, Tawnykit. "Aren't you excited?"

"Of course I am." Tawnykit purred. "But apprentices have to be serious and proper." Smallkit rolled his eyes playfully.

"Let all cats old enough to catch their own prey gather for a Clan meeting!" Cloudstar's voice rang out across the camp.

"It's time!" Smallkit jumped to his paws, ready to sprint towards the gathering area until Driftwater caught his tail and pulled him back.

"You'll walk there like a respectful apprentice, not like it's your first day out in the camp!" Driftwater scolded. Smallkit flattened his ears, but his spirit still shone brightly in his blue eyes. Crowsky followed Driftwater, Silverpool and their kits to the gathering area where they sat before Cloudstar.

"Today is a proud day for MoonClan, Tawnykit and Smallkit have reached the age of six moons are are ready to start their paws on the path of a warrior. With them in our den, we will show that MoonClan is as strong as ever." Smallkit could barely sit still, Crowsky purred with amusement. "Tawnykit and Smallkit, from this day forward until you have earned your warrior names you will be known as Tawnypaw and Smallpaw. Tawnypaw, your mentor will be Nightfeather, she is kind, yet fierce. These are powerful traits that I trust she will pass on to you."

Tawnypaw and Nightfeather touched muzzles and stepped to the side. When I left, Nightfeather was a kit and now she's got an apprentice. Crowsky recalled. "And Smallpaw, your mentor will be Squirrelpelt. She's strong and brave, I know she will guide you to become a brave warrior."

"Smallpaw! Tawnypaw!" MoonClan cheered their newest apprentices and Smallpaw and Tawnypaw quickly started pestering their new mentors. Crowsky couldn't help but notice Shadowpelt sulking at the back of camp. Is it mad he didn't get an apprentice? Crowsky didn't remember him being such a sour cat, he wondered what happened.

"Are you ready for your first gathering back?" Frostfire's mew pulled Crowsky's attention away from his Clanmate.

"Terrified actually." Crowsky admitted, shuffling his paws. He wasn't sure he was ready to face the Clans. What would they think of him? Would Crowsky be able to face Elmheart?

"It'll be fine." Silverpool nudged him after seeing her kits off into the forest for the first time. "We'll be with you."

"Yeah," Crowsky mewed awkwardly.

"Walk with me." Silverpool nudged Crowsky to his paws and guided him just out of camp. "I know what you're fearing." Crowsky didn't respond he just stared at his paws. "You're afraid of seeing Elmheart."

"I just--don't know how to face him." Crowsky admitted.

"There's something you don't know, Crowsky." Silverpool sighed. "Owlstar started a war with LichenClan over the death of Blacksky not long after you left." Crowsky's eyes went wide. A war? "Cloudstar continued the fight after Owlstar died and it cost us the lives of several warriors. I never once partook in the fighting, I know it's not what you or your father would have wanted."

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