Chapter 24

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Crowpaw watched the group of loners as they shared conversations and laughed. He couldn't help but feel proud of himself. In the few days since Peach and Merlin had followed Raindrop and Crowpaw home, they had settled right in. Omega had also showed up the following morning, he seemed to be struggling a little more to fit in, but the cats had welcomed him and he was a great hunter.

"It's been nice having some new faces around." Ivy purred, sitting beside Crowpaw as he watched his friends. "Last new face was yours, you're old news now."

Crowpaw chuckled. "They seem a lot more interesting than me."

"I don't know," Ivy nudged him. "A cat who talks to the stars and swims in rivers is pretty interesting." Crowpaw laughed along with Ivy and they continued sharing their squirrel. Crowpaw turned his head when he spotted movement coming from Cooper's den. He caught the leader's gaze and he couldn't help but feel unnerved by it. I'm really starting to think that Cooper doesn't like me.

Crowpaw dropped his head. He seemed like he did. He glanced over at Ivy who was still watching the others. Is it really because of her? I care so much for Ivy, and she's not a kit. She can make her own choices. Cooper started walking towards the two of them, Cooper rested his eyes on Ivy. "May I speak with you for a moment."

"Sure." Ivy purred and stood up, looking at Crowpaw. "I'll see you in a bit." She and Cooper padded into her den and Crowpaw rolled his eyes slightly. Anything to keep us apart.

Crowpaw wasn't far from the den, and he could hear their voices, he wasn't trying to eavesdrop but he couldn't help but strain his ears to listen. "Ivy, I don't know how to feel about this battle. How can we be sure that these rogues don't have a huge amount of cats behind them."

"Peach said that there's not that many rogues in the twolegplace, even less who will be willing to help a cat like Ripper." Ivy replied. "Crowpaw knows what he's doing, he grew up in a place that fought battles all the time."

"Didn't Crowpaw lose his father in a battle." Crowpaw's entire body went rigid as Cooper mentioned Blacksky. "I'm not about to risk losing you."

"You won't." Ivy assured him. "I'm not a kit, I know how to use my claws. Plus, Crowpaw has been teaching me extra fighting moves. Warrior fighting moves!"
"You're not a warrior, Ivy." Cooper's voice was lined with anger.

"What's your problem with Crowpaw? You invited him here and yet it seems like everything you see him you wanna claw his ears off. He's a great cat, he's a good hunter and he's so kind. Everyone here loves him and trusts him, myself included." Crowpaw's pelt burned. Ivy loves me? Is it that kind of love...or a friendship love?

"Crowpaw has been great to have around, yes, and I don't regret invited him to join us, but I did not invite him here to seduce my daughter and run off to the Clans with her!" Does he think I'm going to do that?

"Is that what this is about?" Ivy was starting to sound annoyed, Crowpaw had never heard her sound like that. "I'm not a helpless kit, how many times do I have to tell you that? Whatever is going on between me and Crowpaw is none of your business. I understand you love me, and that you're scared to lose me but I need you to trust me to make my own decisions."


"No, I'm done talking to you." Crowpaw quickly turned his attention back to the squirrel and took a bite. Ivy padded out of her den, looking incredibly annoyed. She sat down beside Crowpaw and stared at the ground. He had never seen her look so troubled.

"Everything okay?"

Ivy nodded. "Yeah, I'm fine." She took a small bite of the squirrel. "Don't worry." She looked at Crowpaw, the annoyance fading away and her green eyes sparkling, making Crowpaw's heart race.

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