Chapter 37

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Crowsky ate his prey slowly, patiently waiting for Ebonypaw to finish changing the elder's bedding. Frostfire sat beside him, washing her paws after finishing his own prey. As he ate his prey, he heard pawsteps approaching the Clan entrance. Patrol must be returning.

As they got closer, a strange but familiar scent filled his nose. What is that? Crowsky took the final bite of his prey and rose to his paws as the patrol entered the camp. Their faces were annoyed, and with them was a face that shocked Crowsky to his core. A slender, cream colored she-cat with narrow, beautiful blue eyes and darker markings.

"Raindrop." Crowsky breathed out the queens name, he didn't think he would ever see her again, but here she was, standing in MoonClan's camp's entrance.

"Do you know that cat?" Frostfire questioned, staring in awe at her sudden appearance.

"Yeah," Without another word, Crowsky jumped to his paws and hurried over to the patrol. "Raindrop!" He called her name.

"Crowpaw!" Raindrop exclaimed and broke away from the patrol, much to their annoyance. She touched her muzzle to his cheek and purred loudly. "I'm so glad I found you, I've been looking for you."

"Why?" Crowsky questioned. "What about Cooper and the others?"

Raindrop shook her head slowly. "After you ran off a huge argument broke out between the group. Flint and Cooper almost fought. When we woke up the next day Cooper was gone, vanished in the middle of the night. Flint went out to try and find you but all he found was blood in the snow. He came back and after that we all went our separate ways. Leo and Rudy went beyond the farm and Flint and Sabra went deeper into the forest. I was left alone, I didn't know where else to go so I started wandering. I ended up in another twolegplace and met a kittypet who had told me she saw you, so I figured I would try and find you and I met these cats."

"Crowsky," Cloudstar spoke up, looking at the two of them with confusion in her eyes. "Care to explain who this is?"

"Crowsky?" Raindrop tilted her head. "Oh right, you change your names. You must be a warrior now."

Crowsky nodded. "Everyone this is an old friend I met when I was out of the camp, her name is Raindrop. She was always very kind to me."

"Why is she here?" Hawkface questioned, his eyes suspicious.

"As I explained to Crowpa--Crowsky. I was just wandering, I don't like travelling alone. I've always been in the company of other cats and I missed that. So I found the one cat I knew out in this place. I'm glad to see you doing so well."

"I'm glad to see you as well." Crowsky purred loudly and looked to Frostfire and Silverpool who had approached. "Raindrop, this is my mate Frostfire and this is Silverpool."

"Crowsky talked a lot about you, Silverpool." Raindrop bowed her head respectfully. "He missed you a lot."

"You seem nice." Silverpool purred happily. "It makes me happy knowing that Crowsky had such good company while he was out there."

"Crowsky," Cloudstar raised her voice slightly. "I understand that you are excited to see your friend, but we don't usually allow loners to just wander into our camp." Raindrop turned to face Cloudstar.

"You must be the Clan's leader, right?" Raindrop questioned.

Cloudstar nodded. "My name is Cloudstar."

"It's an honor to meet you, Cloudstar." Raindrop bowed. "And I bring your Clan no harm I promise. As I said before, I don't like travelling alone. Before I had my twolegs, and then I had the loners but now I have no one. The best moments I have lived have been in the company of others, hunting and providing for each other. Crowsky told me a lot of Clan life and it is something I want to try, so that's why." Raindrop lowered herself to the ground. "If you'll have me, Cloudstar, I would like to join your Clan."

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