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LEADER                  Owlstar- Fluffy white tom with blue eyes.

DEPUTY                   Cloudwind- Gray and white she-cat with blue eyes

MEDICINE CAT      Skyclaw- Gray tom with yellow eyes

WARRIORS (toms and she-cats without kits)

Ashbird- Gray she-cat with black specks and blue eyes

Whiteriver- White she-cat with blue eyes

Blacksky- Black tom with white paws, belly and yellow eyes
Apprentice, Cinderpaw

Ivystone- Gray tabby she-cat with green eyes

Stonefoot- Large, gray tom with amber eyes

Thorntalon- Brown tabby tom with amber eyes
Apprentice, Breezepaw

Snakepelt- Gray tom with yellow eyes
Apprentice, Shadowpaw

Smokeleaf- Gray tabby she-cat with blue eyes

Sootmask- Black tom with white markings and amber eyes

Windsong- Light gray she-cat with blue eyes
Apprentice, Cedarpaw

Silverpool- Silver tabby she-cat with green eyes

Driftwater- Brown tom with amber eyes

Squirrelpelt- Ginger she-cat with green eyes

Spidertail- Black tom with amber eyes
Apprentice, Amberpaw

APPRENTICES (six moons old, training to become warriors)

Amberpaw- Golden brown and white she-cat with green eyes (Daughter of Squirrelpelt and Thorntalon)

Cedarpaw- Brown tom with amber eyes (Son of Squirrelpelt and Thorntalon)

Shadowpaw- Dark gray tom with amber eyes (Son of Ashbird and Spidertail)

Breezepaw- Black she-cat with blue eyes (Daughter of Ashbird and Spidertail)

Cinderpaw- Gray she-cat with amber eyes (Daughter of Ashbird and Spidertail)

QUEENS (she-cats expecting or nursing kits)

Riverlight- Black she-cat with blue eyes, nursing Blacksky's kit (Crowkit, black tom with white markings and blue eyes)

Blossomfrost- Light gray she-cat with blue eyes, nursing Owlstar's kits (Icekit, white she-cat with blue eyes, and Frostkit, white tom with blue eyes)

Featherdawn- White she-cat with gray markings and blue eyes, nursing Sootmask's kits. (Badgerkit, black tom with amber eyes, Nightkit, black she-cat with amber eyes and Dovekit, white she-cat with blue eyes)

ELDERS (former warriors and queens, now retired)

Runningpath- Lean, brown tom with amber eyes

Berryfrost- White she-cat with blue eyes

Haretooth- Brown tom with amber eyes

Ravenfall- Black she-cat with green eyes


LEADER                 Foxstar -Ginger tom with white paws

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