Chapter 20

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Crowpaw breathed in the chilly, leaf-fall air. He suppressed a shiver and looked around him. The cats of his group were just starting to become active. Flint was watching Starling and Firefly by with a large, golden-brown leaf that had fallen from the trees above. They squealed and laughed as they attacked their makeshift prey. Both would be good hunters, but Starling appeared to be quite bigger than Firefly, but Firefly was smaller and quicker. Both would make wonderful Clan cats. Crowpaw thought, watching them with interest. They have to be about six moons old. I wonder when cats starting to train to hunt around here? Crowpaw's mind wandered back to MoonClan, Featherdawn's kits would probably be apprentices by now. Who were their mentors? Did they know night hunting yet?

Crowpaw shook his head, he couldn't be blinded by his former Clan life. He had a new home, a home full of cats who loved him. He was no longer in the forest that constantly reminded him of his father's death and away from his mother who treated him less than crowfood. Crowpaw let out a small sigh, his breath billowing before him in the chilly air. It was starting to get cold, it was early morning but leaf-bare wasn't too far off. He hoped that this group would have enough prey. It was much smaller than a Clan, so there wasn't as many mouths to feed.

Sickness could still take hold. Crowpaw suppressed a shiver, all the prey in the world couldn't cure greencough but at least it would keep the cats strong. His claws dug into the semi-frozen earth beneath his paws. I'll do everything in my power to make sure that this group has all the prey they need. He felt a certain responsibility towards this group, they had welcomed him so well and treated him with genuine kindness. He hadn't been with this group officially for even a half-moon yet and he already felt like he was at home.

"Good morning." A sweet voice sounded behind Crowpaw, he turned his head to see Ivy stepping out of her den. Her green eyes were bright and soft as usual, but there was something slightly different about them. Regardless, they still made Crowpaw's heart flip in his chest.

"Good morning." He dipped his head in return. The wounds that Ripper had left were healing well, the only scar he would have would be a nick in his lower left ear, but it wasn't something that bothered him.

"How are your wounds feeling?" Ivy stepped forward, giving his pelt a gentle sniff. "Any pain?"

Crowpaw shook his head. "No, the herbs are working quite well. Thank you." He purred, hoping Ivy knew how grateful he was for her care.

"It's my pleasure." Ivy's voice was like honey, soothing Crowpaw's nerves and making him feel almost weak. "Say," She looked around. "If you're not going anywhere, we should go for a walk."

"A walk?" Crowpaw tilted his head, somewhat confused by her offer.

"Yes, a walk." Ivy nudged him to his paws, Crowpaw felt his pelt burning as she did so. "We can catch some prey along the way." Crowpaw hesitated, but eventually gave in. He had no idea why he was so unsure now, he had hunted with Ivy before, why did this feel different?

Ivy and Crowpaw walked outside of camp together, past Cooper's den and away from the river. They walked through the forest which was affected by an early morning frost. It would be gone once the sun came up, but it still made the air cold and caused the two cats to shiver.

Ivy stepped closer to Crowpaw, her pelt brushing his and sending sparks throughout his entire body. He nearly jumped away in shock, but remained where he was. His pelt burned, but the warmth that came from her body was soothing and seemed to melt the frost underneath his paws. "I hope you don't mind me being a little closer." Ivy said quietly, a hint of embarrassment lining her voice. "It's just cold."

"I don't mind." Crowpaw was shocked at how smooth his voice was, his heart was racing but his talking was steady. He really didn't mind, in fact he wouldn't care if they stayed like this forever. Ivy's warmth and sweet scent surrounded him, it might as well had been greenleaf for him.

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