My Friend Betrayed Me... How Could You?

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I saw those messages...

You blamed me for them.

I cried myself to sleep at night,

thinking those attacks were my fault...

You led them on to believe it was me...

You dragged me back into a fire I had extinguished...

You brought me months more of pain...

Was it worth it?

Are you happy?

Because I'm hurting now more than ever.

You always blamed me for those.

Everyone blamed me for those.

I blamed me for those.

You made me into even more of a bad guy...

I never forgave myself.

I genuinely thought I had indirectly caused you that pain.

You know exactly who you are.

And you know exactly what you've done...


I hope it was worth it.

Because it broke my heart.

And yet, here I am. I haven't said your name... I haven't screamed and yelled.

I've cried and forgave.


Because you'll always be my best friend, just like in the beginning.

We'll always be the trio...

Even if I take the fall for what you've done...

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