Work Story: A Nightmare

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So I had my first retail nightmare last night. I was at work, and I had just got done "arguing" with a customer who wanted to return a video game that had been opened, which we can't do. Anyways, I got through a few people in line with that customer still yelling at me, and this lady came up with a bag of fish. Now she had been standing in line for at least 20 minutes with this container of open fish that she wanted to return. Well, since she had the receipt I started off the return asking the same two questions i always ask, and two questions we're supposed to ask.

"Do you have your receipt?" And "Is there any problem with the item that made you decide tp return it?" Well apparently she didn't like my second question because she picked up the open package of fish and smacked me across the face with it. An open container of rotten fish. And after she did it, she said "Know what's wrong with it now?" It took every piece of my patience to finish her return, even though I shouldn't have. I spent my entire 15 minute break with a wet papertowel and some soap scrubbing my face and hands because i didn't want to go back to work smelling like fish. I'm definitely not happy about it, but the more I look back the funnier it sounds. THIS right here, is exactly what people mean by "its free to be nice to retail workers" we deal with stuff like this, and we aren't at fault for fish going bad, i don't stock the fish. Its not my fault I have to ask the question, i don't make policy. And it's definitely not my fault you have to wait in a line when I had been asking for 15 minutes for some help at the service desk. So please, be nice to your cashier today.

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