Real Friends Or Not? I Am Afraid

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What defines a real friend?

Someone who  had your back right? They stand up for you, with you. Right? Well I don't know anymore.

I'm terrified to leave my house. To leave school, to pick up ny boyfriend and to go to work and do my job.

Why? Because I'm being stalked by someone. I see a car similar to hers and I'll drive 10 streets down from my house in hopes to lose the car. She stalks my work area too. I see her watching me from the aisles while I'm at a register or a self scan area. She stares at me while she pretends to shop for clothes.

She looks for me in the school parking lot when I go to pick my boyfriend up for work. She will take multiple trips through the parking lot to try and find my car. Once she screamed at me as I got out to go get him. She's even followed my car out of the parking lot. She has brought her friends over to attack me, and has threatened me on social media.

But no. She has threatened to sue ME multiple times for harassing HER. She's threatened to sue my boyfriend for rape even though she's admitted to  multiple times she was never raped.

She wants me dead and him in jail. All I want is a restraining order. I want her to see the consequences of her actions and I want to feel safe.

But you know what my friends said?

You'll only cause more problems

You're overreacting

You're being dramatic

You'll only be just like her

I don't know what to do. Do I suffer in  silence and risk my safety to keep my boyfriend happy or do I press charges?

I'm afraid to breathe... My life is fear

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