Detective Pikachu And The Mystery of the Graffiti Art

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Harrisburg, a small town located in nowhere America. It was a quiet town, the kind of town that rarely has any sort of excitement, let alone change. That is, until the day of the graffiti art.

The morning felt just like any morning in good old Harrisburg: the local diner was busy serving subpar food and shitty coffee from a coffee pot that hasn't been thoroughly cleaned since 1961. The school bus was picking up the children. The newspaper boy was slinging newspapers onto the doorsteps of the citizens. The police were getting donuts at a place that definitely failed health code. You know, the kind of place roaches are having a fuckfest underneath the donut fryers. And lastly, the big dick gunslingers of the town, i.e. the government officials, were headed to their offices.

When all seemed like it was going to be just another mundane, jolly, good ole day in Harrisburg, the obscenity was spotted. The local government officials were mortified by what they saw on their precious government building.

A large green penis, accompanied with a pair of hairy green testacles, was spray painted on the wall of the town's government building and it dazzled in an unabashed brilliance when the sun hit the tip of it just right.

The first person to see this art screamed in terror. The news of this vandalism spread quick, quicker than a STD spreads on fraternity row. Soon all the citizens of town made their way to the building to look at this monstrosity with their own two eyes. Well, with the exception of the local cyclops, he observed the penis with just his one eye.

The citizens of Harrisburg were absolutely mortified by the perversion of this heathen. They were up in arms and utterly livid. The people wanted justice, and they wanted it now.

The next day, the citizens of Harrisburg were greeted with a front page detailed news story on the graffiti art, along with a vivid photo in their local newspaper just in case they needed a reminder of what it looked like.

The whole town was concerned with this case, if not to say obsessed. They met up with one another to discuss possible solutions to the problem. They wanted answers, immediately. The local police force contained only 3 men, and they were not used to dealing with such a high profile case. To be honest, all the police force ever did was eat donuts, watch football, and play poker back at the station, so this was no match for their skills.

The citizens understood that they would need to contact the big guys, they would need Federal Agents on this case. Therefore, they attempted to contact the FBI to see if they could assist, but they received no response back.

Refusing to let this horrid deed go unpunished, many citizens took different avenues in attempting to get someone on this case. Emails and phone calls were addressed to Scooby Doo & The Mystery Gang, Sherlock Holmes, and the cast of CSI. Some even went so far as to consult mediums and psychics to try to receive any sort of answer, but to no avail. The citizens were beginning to feel crestfallen, and utterly hopeless.

When all seemed lost, a smart young boy posted an ad on the Poke-Wall asking if any Pokemon had investigative ability. Their savior answered, and he appeared in the shape of an adorable creature capable of conducting and shooting out electricity. His name was Pikachu, hoping to soon be known as Detective Pikachu.

He was eager to begin building his reputation as a detective, since he recently switched careers. Now no longer a fighting Pokemon, aka a fighting slave, he was now a detective. But in order to be taken seriously, he would need experience and credible recommendations under his nonexistent belt. Thus he needed an opportunity to display his talents, and Harrisburg presented that opportunity.

Detective Pikachu called the mayor and asked to be hired for the position, for he was ready for the challenge.

The town mayor was ecstatic that someone was willing to take on the job, therefore he hired Detective Pikachu immediately. The mayor did not care that Pikachu had zero detective experience. It was an election year and his citizens were clamouring for justice and were growing restless, he would have hired a piece of lettuce at this point if it meant keeping his citizens happy.

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