Collin turned to his supervisor, resting his hip against the balcony.

– Look who's talking. You spent the weekend here.

– You're really enjoying having an excuse to nag me, aren't you?

- And I'll enjoy it while I can. – he showed a cheeky smile. - I'll stay here and help you and, in turn, you buy me dinner, how about it?

Collin had to squirm away as Adam reached forward to pinch his arm. He glared at him with a pout as he caressed the harmed area.

– That hurts.

– You were being a brat.

The alarm sounded, shifting Adam's attention to turn it off. He placed the phone back on his pocket as he sauntered around Collin, halting behind him. The intern's heart jumped, feeling Adam's hands lay on his shoulders, pushing him forward towards the machine.

- Let's finish this so we can eat.

Hearing the hurry in his voice, Collin faltered and finally stopped mid-stride. Turning around, he squinted at a curious Adam, pressing his index on the supervisor's chest.

- If this still doesn't go right, you have to take a break until Jane comes back. – at Adam's hesitancy, Collin pushed further into his chest. – Promise or I won't talk to you anymore.

- Is that a threat or a promise?

Adam showed a fake grimace in response to the weak slap on his arm, which Collin ignored, reinforcing his glare. He neither appeared intimidated nor tried to stifle his smile but nodded nonetheless, laying his hand over his heart.

- I promise. Can we work now?

With a last strong look, Collin agreed, returning to the centrifuge.

For the following two hours, he grew to regret his decision to not insisting on going to dinner earlier. They did so many replicas Collin was sure he had dislocated his thumb from pipetting so many samples but Adam wanted to make a sure a small mistake wouldn't ruin everything.

To Collin's surprise, Adam didn't scrutinize his work too much. He would check on him regularly and would help him if Collin was having some trouble, but he didn't hover over him at every second, even though this attempt held so much importance to him. Only when a step required substantial experience, Adam would take full control, which Collin was more than happy about. He would stand back and watch the way Adam's brows cinched, the line that formed between them as he focused, the way he squinted and hummed small noises when in deep thought.

When the time came, they made their way to the central machine room, where the most advanced and biggest machines that were shared by the whole department were. As Collin followed his supervisor through the long halls, his gaze never left Adam. He could feel how hopeful Adam was, but that could be either a good or bad thing.

Entering after Adam, Collin put down the sample box next to the machine as Adam turned ON the computer connected to it. Once Adam took the chair, Collin sat on the desk, looking down at him as the old computer took its time.

Leaning back on the chair, Adam sighed.

- These computers are antiquities.

- You must feel at home, then.

In a brisk movement, he grabbed Adam's wrist, stopping him from pinching his thigh. He squinted at Collin's grin, not letting go of his arm just yet.

- Can't handle the truth, old man?

- Forgot that I dictate part of your grade, kid?

- Is that a threat?

- It's a warning. – with the slightest hint of a smirk, Adam rotated the seized arm, gripping Collin back. – Get up. It's a desk, not a sofa.

TOUCH OF HOPE  (MxM) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now