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The alarm went off early. Way too early. Mina didn't like it to get up before 9am. But much to her dismay her flight was scheduled for exactly that hour.
The young woman turned to stop the alarm clock from making any more noise. In the same movement she sat up, not giving her body the chance to fall asleep once again. Usually even that had no use and she'd drift back off while sitting, but today was different. Today she would fly to the United States and visit her family and the friends she left behind when she moved to Korea. A yawn escaped and she stretched her body in a pathetic attempt to wake herself up a bit more. She accepted that it was no use and got up, dragging herself into the tiny bathroom to take a shower.

After getting ready for a way too long flight and getting to the airport, Mina checked in. She somehow managed to arrive a little early, giving her the time to drink a coffee and grab something to eat. Waiting for the way too pricey food to be done she noticed a group trying to fit seven men into a booth for four. They fought a little over who got sit where, causing the black haired woman to chuckle.
Finally her food was done. Since the group was being loud she decided to go and sit somewhere a little more quiet. Her quest brought her to a small zone with a few sofas scattered around. Due to the early hour there were only a few people sitting there either working silently on something on their laptops or peacefully reading a book to pass the time. She sat down somewhere in the back and ate, watching the people pass by. She always found it to be quite interesting to look at all the passing faces. Everyone looked so different. Old people walking calmly towards their gate, probably visiting family or just going on vacation somewhere. Young people running around, stressed out about catching their flight and making it to appointments on time. You could see if someone came back from vacation or was in the desperate need of one. And no matter how different everyone was, somehow they were all the same. All strangers on the run and go at their own pace.
Mina finished her food and with that her thoughts, leaving the chill zone again to get rid of her garbage and check if there's news on her flight. Since she was early they weren't able to tell her a gate before, but by now it should be on one of the huge TVs.
Her feet dragged her to one of said TVs. Her eyes scanned all the flights until she found hers. A groan escaped her lips before she even processed the information displayed to her. The flight was delayed. The news cause her to seek out an information center where she asked one of the employees when her plane would go now. "I'm sorry, but your flight has been delayed due to a storm. We have to wait until it's safe to continue the flight." The blonde female told her with that typical customer voice. Mina let out another groan but thanked the woman anyways. She turned to walk away when she noticed the group from before standing in front of the same TV. Again they were drawing attention by loudly complaining about a flight being delayed.
So they're off to the US as well..
Mina was certain about that because her flight was the only one that had troubles. She sighed and searched for something to do, but sadly an airport wasn't meant to entertain the people in it. Soon the young woman found herself at the quiet zone again, lounging on a couch with her phone in hand. A text popped up.

From Cynthesiser

Have a good flight! Though I do secretly hope that you crash

A second later.

Just kidding

A smile crept it's way to Minas face before she typed out her reply.

The plane would need to fly to be able to crash. Got delayed though, I'll tell you when it'll take off when I know

With that she left the app. She searched for her headphones and as soon as she found the plugged them in to listen to some music. That worked for about thirty minutes before the voices around her grew louder than her music. A sigh left her and she looked around for the source of the disturbing sounds. Her eyes landed on nothing less than the group of seven man talking amongst in each. In the quiet zone. Loudly.
Slightly annoyed she turned the volume of the music up to the maximum. To her dismay it didn't really help. There was still faint laughter and talking mixing with the sweet sounds coming from the earbuds. And with that she became even more annoyed. So she did what she had to do. Which was take the buds out, turn to the group and take a deep breath to calm herself. "You guys do know that this is a quiet zone? A place where it should be quiet?" She asked towards them, making them momentarily halt in their movements and turn their heads to them. One of them spoke up. "Sorry, we'll keep it low" he gave her an apologising smile. She glared at him for a second before the nodded and returned into her previous position. Being able to enjoy her music now she passed the time relatively well. Until she grew bored again and decided to check on the flight. It has been an hour by now and there should be new informations, right? Right. She removed the buds again and went to stand up to walk over to the TVs. A voice however stopped her. It was a speaker announcing that her plane had landed and that all passengers had to go to the gate. She sighed, this time in relief as she took out her phone to text her best friend.

Hey Cynthesiser, plane sets off in T-30 minutes, I hope you didn't make an ugly sign for me

With that she went on her way to the gate, trotting behind the group from earlier. It didn't take long for her to get on the plane now. Just passing the entrance and walk to her seat and everything was set. She chose a seat next to a window and while she waited for the plane to finally take off she watched the workers do their thing outside. Because of that she didn't take notice of seven men taking the seats before, behind and next to her. Until the plane set off and their talking began again. She surpressed an annoyed groan, but thankfully there wasn't much to be annoyed about due to the group growing quiet rather quickly, each man minding their own business.


1160 words

So Far Away - Min Yoongi FFDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora