Part 12 - The healing Deal

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"He was helping me rehearse for a kiss scene on He is Psychometric. That's all, I swear. We were doing nothing wrong. I kept getting shy at the studio, so Sseunnah offered to give me a hand with it. Please, don't misunderstand the whole thing. I love you and that will never change!" the edge on Jin's voice almost melted Mark's heart. It didn't take long for him to remember who he was dating. He wasn't with Jackson anymore and Jinyoung wasn't the cheating type. He suddenly felt bad for throwing a hissy fit over nothing. So he picked up his key from the floor and threw his arms around his boyfriend.

"I love you too, I'm sorry!" Mark said softly as he kissed Jinyoung's ears. His dongsaeng blushed as he felt the hot breath of his lover on his neck.

"Boring!" the Chinese complained as he returned his focus to the TV.

"There's nothing to be sorry about. Wait, in fact there is, I'm about to leave for the filming set. Will you be here when I come back?" Jinyoung asked hopefully. Mark then eyed a distracted Jackson and the TV. He wondered how long that cooking show would keep him entertained. He wasn't in the mood for interaction. It would be the first time they'd be left alone after the talk they had at the hospital. The American hid his lingering fear of the situation, and nodded awkwardly at his partner. An oblivious Jinyoung smiled contently at him, said his good byes to his Chinese huyng and before he walked out the door, he kissed Mark, mouthing an inaudible 'see you later' to the older.

As soon as the singer was out, Mark heard the sound of the TV die down. And Jackson was right behind him. His heart skipped a beat when he faced the other. He tried to play it cool, but the Chinese read him as an open book.

"You don't have to be afraid of me, you know."

"I'm not." He lied as he walked past the rapper and went into the kitchen.

"Did you really think a JackJin action was going on? You know, a good and healthy relationship is all about trust." The Chinese reminded him as he leaned on the kitchen counter.

"And you know all about trust, don't you?" Mark remarked, as he put himself a glass of water without looking at the other.

"That's why we didn't work out. I didn't trust you enough and you trusted me too much. Things were quite unbalanced. What I am saying is that you had a pretty bad experience with me and it obviously marked you forever! Your ability to trust people is ruined. But you need to realize that you shouldn't have to worry about Jinyoung, he's not me, he'll never be." Jackson tried to sound reasonable, but his words had a different effect. Mark took a sip of his water and put the glass down on the sink with such strength that it almost shattered to pieces.

"Look at you Jackson Freakin' Wang, Got7's love advisor! Who the fuck do you think you are to talk to me like that! Don't you think I know you two are completely different? I trust him all right, I just don't trust him with you! You shouldn't even be here in the first place. Don't you dare to patronize me, you son of a bitch! You don't get to tell me how I should feel anymore!" the American himself didn't even know where that anger was coming from. He had promised himself to put the past behind him, but his emotions suddenly took the best of him as his hands trembled and his heart beat like a hammer. Maybe he was having a panic attack? He didn't know. He wanted to cry and break things at the same time. He wanted to stop hurting, he wanted to disappear. His eyes scared the Chinese, his hyung wasn't simply mad, he looked unhinged.

"Mark, please, calm down. I didn't mean it like that, seriously." Jackson worriedly walked to him, as the American looked like he was about to hyperventilate. When the older felt the the rapper's hand on his shoulder he pushed him away violently, went to the sink broke the glass in half and threateningly pointed its sharp side to his ex. The Chinese was even more taken aback.

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