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( Marshall pov)  

I don't know what is going on. 
A woman walks in to the room. 
How is she wate dose she want. 
She walks closer to me. 

She has something in her hand. 
What is it?
she grabs my arm rufly. 
" w w what" I try to speak but I don't know haw. 

Something sharp go's in to my arms. 
I screm. 
What is she doing.
I try to move but I still can't move properly. 
I'm still to weak. 

The woman smiles at me evilly before pulling the sharp thing out of my arm and walking a way. 
My body violently shakes.
Why is it doing that. 

Whats going on 
What is this place? 
I don't want to be here? 
Why don't I remember anything? 
Am I dead? 

I'm so scared. 
I don't want to be here anymore. 
What am I doing here. 
How am I? 

I'm so scared. 


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